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If you was a billionaire what would you do?

I would buy a pub, then have my kebab shop built across the street, also a shop that sells glowing wristbands, grinders etc. Then I would have a taxi firm really close by as well.. Then a bookies right next to the pub.
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Peaceful · F Best Comment
Help/take care of the ignored.
iWantSwCoins · 26-30, M
Peaceful · F
@iWantSwCoins: easily. Buy a few homes in close proximity to one another. Go around to the homeless on the streets and offer them a place to stay, get clean if they need to and get them any medical attention they need. Have professionals work with them, in whatever capacity they need, while reminding them how much they matter.
I'd also help them, when they were ready, get gainful employment.

first thing i would do is log off this computer, after that, just wing it for the next ten or fifty years.
give 90% of it away
annamarie65 · 56-60, F
I would give some to certain charities and to my church...then i would buy my family a house and buy my son a car and pay for my sons college tuition...
Donate some to charities to make the world a better place but save just enough for myself so that I can relax and be happy the rest of my life.
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Invest it and make double or triple
annamarie65 · 56-60, F
@BeautifulDemon: apparently you dont realize how fast money gets spent...your spaceship analogy would take that half a billion and then some.
iWantSwCoins · 26-30, M
With my plan it allows me to expand and literally take over.. You see people go to the pub, go to the bookies, buy a kebab maybe get high and buy some drug paraphernalia and then get a cab home.
Shaman · 26-30
@annamarie65: I am well aware of it yet, my point is greed hinder us to enjoy what we have. That's all I'm saying
@Firespirit: Everyone has different dreams I guess
Take wads of cash of different currencies and fly over different countries dropping the money everywhere
reubles · 41-45, M
north american road trip, and solve mysteries along the way
justthat1girl99 · 22-25, F
Invest and ensure a stable future for my kids.
You have such ambition!

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