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beautyisnature · 31-35, F
It is great that you are aware that you do that though. Most people go around doing things they do not realize. If you've been getting better then you must be working on changing that.

Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Mmm. Sometimes. When i feel people are being bitches. And it irritates me when someone is suffering, but refuse to do anything about it but bitch. But, i think im typically understanding, i think. If im in a decent mood.

As long as you're not actively callous, I dont think not being considerate really matters much. Unless you're obligated to the person/s.
smiler2012 · 56-60
someonefucking well take comfort from the fact that you are improving just keep working at it and see the positive results you can get
i try not to be but sometimes I'm just too wrapped up in my own shit..
I can be. It's not necessarily a bad thing.
dark548 · M
Sometimes extremely so if I may say
Yes, when they are my inlaws :P

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