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To ye or not to ye..

Or is it for me? If it is not for ye.. I see, I see it is not to be as I am a land creature and it lives in the sea.. Am I land bound or can I swim but I am a land mammal and have no fins.

I like pie but why do I? Is natural for a sea enthusiast to like a delicious steak filled pastry? If I ate fish pie, I would sigh and maybe cry.

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DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
Once upon a time I swam into the sea to die. I once read that if you swim into the sea with your sorrow, the sea will swallow you or the sorrow. Nude as a jay, middle of the night, alone in black waters, stars in skies. I, god's lunatic, want to find the meaning of this moment. Meaning is found! Bam! Says shark nose to bump my poor toes! So I held still for what seemed an agonizing eternity before making a desperate swim for shore. Undertow pulled me out a good piece. It was quite an effort.
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
lol how kind of you. this is fact that became literature upon the retelling of events. Its part of my poem My Left Is Underhanded, Act 2. All the acts are posted here.
I've had similar dreams to what you actually did. Jumping into the sea at night black seas wild and I felt wild with it. You actually did it though
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
When I was 5 years old I drowned in my backyard pool. A moment of utter panic, I then became weary and soon slept. Neighbor dove in and rescued me. For many years I had dreams of being lost in the ocean, some giant creatures shadow rising up from the depths to swallow me. After the aforementioned experience, the bout with the sea, I stopped having those dreams. Another example that facing fears dispels them.

Here is the particular poem I referenced if you are interested. Not the best in the series, it was intended as an introduction to parts 3 & 4, to explain why I do some things, which is to say, to find the meaning of the moment.
You're fun.

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