Today really ticked me off at work
I was being nice and mopped the floor in the break room and hallway. I was going to do more until i didn't because someone ticked me off. Store owner said thank you to me for doing it and his second in command told me to not make it so wet in the hallway area cause it gets tracked into the store. I ended up walking away and said i think I'm done mopping for the day. I quietly dumped the water and put the supplies away but was seething.
Seriously? I try to go above and beyond and i get crapped on? No no im done im not doing anymore. Usually people say THANK YOU when someone does something nice and not nitpick them. I wish this place would burn down
Seriously? I try to go above and beyond and i get crapped on? No no im done im not doing anymore. Usually people say THANK YOU when someone does something nice and not nitpick them. I wish this place would burn down