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SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
I used to live in a house where the wind would just slightly blow beneath the window ceil and go "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" just like an orchestra of ghosts. 😂
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Get rid of the blanket and replace it with a goose down duvet. Then it can be Arctic temperatures and you still stay warm.
Littlewing · 36-40, F
Does your place not have heating?
apersonnamedit · 26-30, T
@Littlewing it does, i think the problem is the big window upstairs is super drafty
Littlewing · 36-40, F
@apersonnamedit Thats no good. Yous should get that window fixed
Ducky · 31-35, F
Can you bundle up with an extra blanket?
You are Soo pretty lol
Wear warmers