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Why were people so freaking skinny in the 1970s?

They didn’t eat that much and they look hungry by how skinny they were. My dad was a teenager/young adult in the 1970s and he was skinny as hell. He was still thin but not like he used to be before he died. My grandma told his girlfriend to “fatten” him up and make sure he eats.
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Alisha233 · 31-35, F
One thought is most people use to be farmers and grew the majority of their foods so it was cleaner...unlike today's processed, fast, fake, preservatives, sodium, GMO, hormone, and corn syrup, laced products.
Healthier and freshness cost more and people are often cheap and lazy when it comes to food choices.
People worked harder too, I imagine many labours jobs have been made easier with the use of machines and technology.
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Amylynne · 26-30, F
they were not..
it was a fahion trend.. skinny girls. they got all the photo play
there were plenty of curey girl then too, they were just not fashionable
'consider Raquel Welsch or that gilr from wonder woman
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@LaylaTheTallGirl do an image search, star with Sophia Loren
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@Amylynne racquel was always my favorite
Alisha233 · 31-35, F
@Amylynne I bet skinny in fashion doesn't sell like it use to because the majority of the population being overweight is no longer relatable to skinny fashion..the markets targeted group is changing because the size averages have.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
what that girL italian,, daughter of a big producer

oh yeah
Isabella Rossalini
Bang5luts · M
The answer is in this video
Alisha233 · 31-35, F
@Bang5luts lol, if only they kept the coke in coke cola.

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