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I'm considering doing something a friend of mine used to do on Yahoo! Answers

Some of the sick garbage people used to post on Yahoo! Answers was so vile and so disgusting, and the admins wouldn't get rid of it, or the people posting it. So what my friend did, is he would screenshot the worst of the posts, making sure that the screenshot included whatever ad was showing next to the filth. He would then email the owners of the company the screenshot, and ask them if they wanted their product associated with the type of posts for which Yahoo answers was known.

The response was always the same. The sponsors he emailed with the screenshots would drop their sponsorship. In essence, since Yahoo wouldn't remove the despicable posts or the despicable people posting, he took away their sponsor money.
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
Creative! Now that's ingenuity. I like it.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
That might make the admins take notice

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