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eyeno · M
Same goes for catfish, too...
@HootyTheNightOwl true
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, FVIP
People need to learning coping skills because other people will never be exactly what we approve of, and we have no control over them. people need to learn NOT to internalize the issues of other people and we all need healthy boundaries.
Actually cyber bullying can be worse. The person doing the bullying is sitting behind a screen, he/she doesn't see your face or reaction to it, so they tend to push harder. Bullies suck.
@SW-User this one does know what it does to me
@SimplyMeChantou I'm sorry, you don't deserve that🥺
smiler2012 · 56-60
as a victim of bullying no matter what shape or form it takes this is never acceptable .[simplyandforeverchanny]
Helloeveryone · 61-69, F
Not if your on zoom 20 years bragging about lingo robotics
Helloeveryone · 61-69, F
Theres Tommy explaining the snake show to everybody 15 years ago
Helloeveryone · 61-69, F
Theirs Tommy explaining the snake show saturday 15 years ago
why would anyone bully you?