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Its so hard sometimes to put emotions into words

Tomorrow is my oldest daughter's birthday... she will be 23, I haven't talked to her since she was 15, like since exactly a month after her birthday. Each year, i write her a letter to send with her gift, and this time.as come again.

Its getting so hard to do because of the rejection I keep getting from this young woman for who at one time in her life I was her everything. Its hard to not be able to hug her, to talk to her, to get to know her gf like everyone else, to be able to be part of her life. I feel like Ive missed out on so much, so many momenets that I will never have nor that we can take back

So many told me, forget her, concentrate on your 2 daughters that you do see..... but how can a mither forget about their child? You never can. I am blessed with the 2 that do talk to me, but this doesnt take away the void I have, the pain andthe way I miss her.

People have been telling me for years, don't worry when she becomes an adult, she will need her mom.... she has been an adult 4 yrs now and she still doesnt want me in her life. Its just so hard
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Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
I am in the same spot with my daughter.
It's been six very long years since I have seen her. She was 11 the last time. She's now 16 and working and driving and I missed out on all of that.
I get mad at her at times. And just say f*** her. She can have her f****** life without me. But that doesn't last long.
It's very difficult to have someone of your own flesh and blood choose to not want to be in your company.
I think everyone means well when they say she will come around but I think the truth is she is gone and I am just a face from her past.
@Dainbramadge im sorry that happens to dads :( ill always love my daddy
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@SimplyMeChantou I get very emotional on the topic of her as well.
Hell I am tearing up just writing this.
I can feel your pain and I am also so sorry you have to feel this.
Being a parent wasn't supposed to hurt this damn bad.
I have two boys that do see me and we have a wonderful relationship. But there is still that huge hole where she should be.
I wish you the best of luck in re-establishing your relation ship with her.
I am sure you feel just as I do and have not given up on dreaming just yet.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@TryingtoLava Daddy's little girl just like it should be.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I’m so sorry. But you are doing the right thing.
Carissimi · F
It breaks your heart when there is that kind of emotional separation from your child. As a mother, you can’t forget, and you never stop being concerned for their welfare, even when they are adults. It’s a mother’s cross to bear, unfortunately. I am so sorry. {hug}
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Loss is loss whether you are separated by death or by choices you have no control over. I can relate to that pain and sadness. You find a way to cope with it but it won't be forgotten.
Teslin · M
Keep trying. I obviously don't know the reason why, but hopefully someday soon she will open up to you. Family is first.
smiler2012 · 61-69
sorry too hear that you really must really be hurting by what your daughter is doing . may it is time for her to end this and let byegones be byegones [someoneiusedtoknow]
Tyler20 · 22-25, M
Why Doesn’t she want you in her life
@Tyler20 her dad badmouthed me after our divorce and she took his side
Tyler20 · 22-25, M
I am really sorry to hear that. Something similar has had in my family. @SimplyMeChantou
Children are the worst

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