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Never be embarrassed to ask for help, if there weren't millions of people in the the same position as you there'd be no need for food banks.
Be angry at your government for not looking after its citizens, rather than ashamed of your needs. ❤
Be angry at your government for not looking after its citizens, rather than ashamed of your needs. ❤
Bluesky1962 · 61-69, M
ok instead of asking for help,offer to help such as your local harvesters,that way you feel like you earned it,here a harvesters outreach we save over 30-40 dollars in food at the store,
Senecaa · 70-79, M
Sorry to hear you do n you are hope someone will give you some help. Will they bring it to you if you ask them?
Diaermatty · 56-60, M
I understand am embarrassed to even ask for help have helped others but to ashamed to ask
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Don't be embarrassed. That is what those places are there for.
LoveKitty · 22-25, F
The lineup will be people struggling like you are.
ShaneMckay · 41-45, M
I have gone to the food bank.
put a mask on and a hoody on your head. it’s pretty concealing.