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Something doesn't seem fair to my friend here.. He got in a wreck, wasn't drunk, just lives on a curvy road

He does have seizures sometimes. But anyway for some reason his lawyer won't let him go back home, he put him in an old folks home. He doesn't even have access to his house, they took away the keys. The lawyer has some other lady that took over the home, she's the one with keys and access. They are trying to talk him into selling the house and move into town so he can walk everywhere instead of drive. Something just doesn't seem right about all that
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DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
You need to get him out of there because these facilities try to keep them for a certain amount of time because then they can gain access to all of his assets
Muldoon · 56-60, M
If his lawyer filed a petition to make your friend a ward of the court or state then he'll need an advocate to ask to take custody of your friend. A blood relative would have a stronger case for being assigned to his case.
When in a nursing home they will attach any assets to help pay his bills. They could be using his disability to take control of his assets. Time is crucial.
Jenna76 · 36-40, F
under what authority is he being held against his will? has he been deemed unable to care for himself by a court?
Gusman · 61-69, M
Can you advocate for him?
Maybe file a police report or contact an Ombudsman
It sounds fraudulent to me.
You friend needs some help here.
Most states will pull your licence after a seizure. Usually for 6 months
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heavyone2 · 61-69, M
Get a good lawyer ASAP! They will take everything they can get their greedy paws upon, if he's isn't careful!
Motleycrue667 · 46-50, F
Why would his lawyer do this? He has been in a few wrecks in the last few years. He's such a bad driver. But to take his keys to his house and hand them over to someone else. It's just weird

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