DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
You need to get him out of there because these facilities try to keep them for a certain amount of time because then they can gain access to all of his assets
Muldoon · 56-60, M
If his lawyer filed a petition to make your friend a ward of the court or state then he'll need an advocate to ask to take custody of your friend. A blood relative would have a stronger case for being assigned to his case.
When in a nursing home they will attach any assets to help pay his bills. They could be using his disability to take control of his assets. Time is crucial.
When in a nursing home they will attach any assets to help pay his bills. They could be using his disability to take control of his assets. Time is crucial.
Jenna76 · 36-40, F
under what authority is he being held against his will? has he been deemed unable to care for himself by a court?
Gusman · 61-69, M
Can you advocate for him?
Maybe file a police report or contact an Ombudsman
It sounds fraudulent to me.
You friend needs some help here.
Maybe file a police report or contact an Ombudsman
It sounds fraudulent to me.
You friend needs some help here.

Most states will pull your licence after a seizure. Usually for 6 months
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heavyone2 · 61-69, M
Get a good lawyer ASAP! They will take everything they can get their greedy paws upon, if he's isn't careful!
Motleycrue667 · 46-50, F
Why would his lawyer do this? He has been in a few wrecks in the last few years. He's such a bad driver. But to take his keys to his house and hand them over to someone else. It's just weird