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What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?

Mine was my first ever playstation when I was 6!
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I received my first bicycle in 1969. I was so thrilled to see it in the living room that morning.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
when I was about 18 I was a big fan of Monet and the impressionist painting movement in general so my dad took me to Boston by plane just to go see the exposition called "Monet in the 90's" at the art museum.
Brandon101 · 26-30, M
@reflectingmonkey I have a monet t shirt
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@Brandon101 awesome, which painting? waterlillies? impression of rising sun ? the bridge of giverny?
Brandon101 · 26-30, M
@reflectingmonkey I don't know I lost the t shirt
My necklace, got it from my grandfather Christmas 2001 when I was 10 years old

The year the original star wars movie came out I was 7 years old and had a Millennium Falcon for Christmas. I didn't want to open anything else, that's still my favourite Christmas gift.
[image/video deleted]
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Two kits, on successive Christmases, made up by my father, to build very simple transistor radios.

The first required an external aeriel and earphones. The second was larger, with an extra amplifier stage, built-in loudspeaker and internel ferrite-rod aeriel. Dad made the plywood cases but I had to assemble all the electronics: discrete components soldered to the tag- or strip- board bases. Remembering to clip a heat-sink to the transistors' leads to protect their fragile innards from the soldering heat.

These were not commercial kits! Nor plug-together modules.

Amateur electromnics was a major hobby then (1960s) and most towns of any size had shops stocking electronic and electrical components.

They were not my first attempt. Our 4th Year (ages 10-11) primary-school teacher ran an after-school "Radio Club" in which I was one of several boys building our own, very basic, "crystal sets" tuned to the BBC Home Service (now Radio Four). The "crystal" was a germanium diode; the rest was an inductor with a variable capacitor for fine-tuning. Very low power, driven entirely by the r.f. signal between a long wire aeriel and earth (via a central-heating pipe in my bedroom) - no battery required. Again parts from the local electronics shop, and for mine, a plastic sandwich-box for its case.


Sadly when I went to retrieve them several years ago now from the loft when we cleared our deceased parents' home, someone had been there already, not known what they were, did not think to ask, and threw them away.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I think I must've been seven or something,

My parents got me a bass guitar. I never actually started playing until I was 15. It's still my bass guitar : )
MarineBob · 56-60, M
When she said yes
hunkalove · 61-69, M
A Westinghouse 7-transistor radio when I was 13 in 1963. It was my constant companion for the next 5 years. I first heard The Beatles on it. And all of the great Original British Invasion groups.
Someone gave me tickets to see my best friends, and it was the most thoughtful gift I ever received.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
I had a doll called Amazing Amy that I loved.
Also had a small doll house that was also a working radio
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
Idk tbh, I'm not so much into 'objects' but it was probably a big stuffed lion when I was a kid. It was bigger than me.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Philips Electronics Kit at age 10 in 1965.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@SW-User Yes, me too. It seems to me that it was a lot easier to get started; to make something that did something in those days. Now we have much more capable components like Arduino and related things but it isn't quite as immediate some how.

That kit was given to me at just the time I was starting to be interested in science and I think probably influenced me in my choice of career.
@ninalanyon Maybe it's my old mind, but there is something to building and understanding what you are building that is part of the fun and learning process?

What do you do?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@SW-User I was an electronics engineer but I'm a bit rusty now, spent the last 25 years as a software developer. How about you?
BigBulge · 46-50, M
The only thing that comes to mind is a vase. I had told them I wanted it...
I prefer jewellery or personal touches, like gloves, perfume
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
A cabbage patch doll when I was 5

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