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Why do I do these things to myself?

I’m trying to get through school and I’ve hit some kind of mental barrier. I just really hate it here. I went from I can’t write a whole paper and do a statistics unit test in one sitting to I’m going to be homeless and live out of my car. 100% of this is my fault though. I just couldn’t bring myself and write this paper. Sitting down and doing anything school related brings on this terrible sense of dread. I wasn’t feeling this way at the beginning of the semester and I really just want to fail this class and take something like it next semester. However, if I do that my GPA is going to suffer and I don’t want that to happen but honestly if it’s going to give me some kind of mental relief then that’s what I’ll do…..I’ve put too much dip on my chip this year and I’ve learned my lesson. Never again.
Either I can’t handle stress or I’ve been stressing this whole time and school is a breaking point. I don’t know I just want everything to stop.
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Offthetop · 51-55, M
It is hard to do school when you have any sort of distractions, especially fundamental ones like housing. Can you connect with a counsellor through the school? They are pros at helping people with any issues that are impacting on educational success.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
You need some r&r.. you can always take a break from school, get a regular job for a bit and then come back later.
Wiseacre · F
Take a break!
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Just stop and breath.
Why are you stressed?
What is the root of your unease and sense of being overwhelmed?
Did you take on too much? If so why? Do you feel a need to overachieve?
LireaSemaji · 26-30, F
I’m easily overwhelmed and I’m a perfectionist. So most things stress me out. I’m going to call my doctor and see if they can hook me up with a counselor. I can’t take it anymore. School, military, and my job are driving me crazy. I’m thinking about too much at once. I don’t have a need to overachieve I just want to get it done. At the beginning of the semester I was fine. I was doing my work and wasn’t stressed. Not sure what happen from August to now.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
In your 1st sentences, you've identified your problem and identified why you have a mental block ... you hate school

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