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Did anyone get diagnosed with autism or aspergers later in life? Adult only!

I'm seriously considering this may actually be whats going on with me... I tick so many boxes and everytime I do those non clinical rests I seems to come in pretty high up the scale at least mid to high.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'm on a waitlist for ASD testing right now. It'll be a long time, though.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@BlueVeins oh that's a shame
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Mellowgirl It's not the best, but it's fairly standard here in the US, to my best understanding. Might wanna check how it is in the UK, idk how long you'll have to wait.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@BlueVeins I have asked to be tested but my gp refuses. I'm not sure if its his view in terms of racial biases that happen here, his religious beliefs or his own desire to watch me just fall by the wayside. I don't get it.
I will be seeking out another Dr soon
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Not diagnosed, no. Like you I reckon I tick quite a few of the boxes.

I decided it wasn’t going to make much difference to my life getting it checked out. I’ve learnt to survive.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@ButterRobot how when I feel like my own mind is preventing me from moving forward in life.
I just can't figure it out.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
@Mellowgirl how would you say it was holding you back ?
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@ButterRobot I don't wish to highlight it here. But I'm sure enough of my posts have concluded something
twiigss · M
I feel as if I've definitely changed. I've got real bad anxiety now versus when I was a teenager. Granted, the doctor had me do those two tests where you tick the boxes, but this doctor is one who will throw you on drugs if your number is high enough.

So in that instance, what do you do? Do you be 100% honest and be put on 2 or 3 drugs or do you think about your answers so that you are considered mild possible high? I'm already on dilantin, not at all ready to be put on more meds that can make me extremely tired.

I've done a few things to help, and they have helped me.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@twiigss when was you diagnosed?
At what point did you realise something was up?
twiigss · M
@Mellowgirl I've only ever been diagnosed with the seizures, but I started having them when I was 23.

As far as the anxiety goes, I guess when I was like, 13-15, I had this stage where I felt depressed. I had friends, brother, sister, so it wasn't like there weren't other people around. So not really sure how much of that was really depression or just me being me, idk.

I would have to say in my personal life, there's a lot of family stuff that goes on, nothing bad, there's a relative I help out from time to time, but they live downstairs. Long story short, I worry a lot about them. Probably to the point to where it's caused me to have anxiety. I've had pits in my stomach so bad, I start having digestive problems, or I go 2 days without being able to eat anything. Although, that not being able to eat part has gotten better for me. I did some learning and tried to develop coping skills, and it works for me.

I remember one time 3 of us went to Denny's for dinner, and the one friend wouldn't stop acting silly and goofy, and well I started getting really anxious, like something bad was gonna happen. That's probably due to my dad, whenever we as kids would get silly or goofy, you'd get a slap across the mouth.

I really think most of it stems back to him. Just growing up in that house was tough. We moved from another state after 19 years, but watch out, if he heard you laughing, that just wasn't allowed. You couldn't be a kid, you were told to "grow up!!", even though you were only 12.

There's that country song, Too much fun by Daryle Singletary, I always change the chorus lyrics:


Too much fun, what's that mean?
It means getting a fist in the mouth if you take any money
It's like a girl too pretty who is late to class
Being unlucky, a car too fast it flies off the track
No matter what they say, I've done
But we ain't allowed to have any fun

I just know we went through a lot of bullshit of him yelling all the time if you tried having any fun as a kid. I know, sounds crazy right? Well.... I guess that's how he was raised in the 50's, I always said if I ever had kids I'd never, ever raise them like how I was raised. Kids are kids and are supposed to laugh and have fun.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
My wife is on spectrum and very high functioning. But lots of trouble when she was younger - she struggled to fit in until she studied people to work it all out.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Abstraction that's sooo interesting.. I discovered I have dyscalculia after returning to university. This is was a relief but I have still failed to receive the help from them except extra time on my work.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@Mellowgirl Her therapist gave her 2-3 quick tests online to see whether or not she should do the formal test. My wife got me to do them - I flunked - didn't show up on the spectrum. If you like I can share with you if I can find them.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@Abstraction I've done quite a few. They all suggest mild to high, with empathy.
As I mentioned to another member I'm happy to talk about it in depth just not here. But I appreciate if you don't want to pm
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Yes. But little good it does. My three kids are all aspergers they were diagnosed early, I was diagnosed later in life. Does not undo all the punishments and berating I endured as a child. I'm over it now, but it made for an interesting first 40 years.
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
yes, I have been diagnosed as high functioning autistic, whatever the stuff that mean. By my own definitions, I'm a werewolf, and a recovering drug addict. =)
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@MougyWolf being diagnosed as an adult was there anything in particular that you noticed that prompted your diagnosis?
NickiHijab · F
A lot of people do. It's not always easily
detectable. If it feels real to you, chances are it may be. Get a doctor to confirm it.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I was Diagnosed with Autism when I was 7
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@FreestyleArt for the purpose of the post I'm only asking for late diagnosis as an adult
DCarey · 46-50, M
Yes, when I was 37 (Asperger's)
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@DCarey was there anything in particular that stood out to you that you'd say was a clear sign?
DCarey · 46-50, M
@Mellowgirl I've always been poor in social situations, I don't know how to take social cues, I think that was the biggest thing.
acpguy · C
My wife thought I might have aspergers but a friend of ours who is a psychiatrist laughed and stated I just do not have any boundaries.
Hannah Gatsby.
I am a fan.
@Mellowgirl No.
I have other stuff though. It's not fun.

If you don't know her, she is an incredible comedian. Her show Nanette, it's paradigm shifting, well, it was for me and I cry every time, yeah it's not your ordinary comedy show.
The one following that is called Douglas, in case you want to watch them, order matters here IMO. In her show Douglas I believe she does talk about her autism , which was diagnosed in adult life.
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON thank you. I'm sorry you're suffering.
I watched her on YouTube she's interesting. Awkward. I don't think I'm like that I guess only in the presence of known haters.
In environments where people focus on what's going on around them and I'm usually fine.
I think my issue is that I've never liked being centre of attention to suddenly have people digging and prying into my life. I don't think I can.
@Mellowgirl Thank you for your kind words.

All we can do is be ourselves and stay safe.

We need to take care of ourselves.

I wish you the best.
tiggerandariel13 · 41-45, MVIP
my daughter was diagnosed with autism
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@tiggerandariel13 what age was this? And as an adult what was she doing that made her realise something was up?
tiggerandariel13 · 41-45, MVIP
@Mellowgirl she's 15 she was just diagnosed a year ago
Vegeta · 41-45, M
I was 37 when I was diagnosed with autism

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