The number of people who do not believe in a god and/or do not practice any religion is growing every day. Even in the US, we now have more "unaffiliated" people than people who are practicing members of some faith. Some of those may well be believers in some sense, to varying degrees, but not enough to induce them to join a church/synagogue/mosque/whatever and engage in regular worship.
@MisterMxyzptlk if you only say you do something, then you Don’t Do It. To find out how many are fakers would be a challenge considering your results would most likely be fake. Unless you had a good enough reason to make the fakers tell the truth.
@MissNoahLenFoxx You’re asking about the entire world. There are public opinion polls in some countries that can show an estimate. But location matters and sometimes there just isn’t a system. Most follow the beliefs of their parents.