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So I had a dream

I caught a mouse and it was brown. I went outside to let it go and all of a sudden it was white. As I watched it walk away a white ferret out of nowhere attacks it and bites it’s tail off. I suddenly have this feeling of sadness and I go and pick up the mouse and it’s still alive and then I’m happy. Do any of you know what this means??
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Punches · 46-50, F
I looked up a few dream symbols related to yours but got conflicting stories.

For the good part -
Dreams of mice may signify financial gain.

From what I gather, a dream of a ferret means you should observe how things are going before making any moves.

I am no expert on this subject, just kind of a hobbyist. I have no clue why the ferret bit off the mouse's tail.
Punches · 46-50, F
@SW-User That is what I would think but I am not sure about the tail. I found
Fear and humiliation. To dream of a tail being cut off represents feelings about yourself or others that can never show off ever again

but that doesn't really tie into anything money related.

BTW, I wish I could find a decent forum dealing with dreams but the few I have found tend to concentrate on lucid dreams, something I do not do because I haven't really tried. The non-lucid dream forums are typically full of unanswered threads.
@Punches It's interesting. Perhaps the humiliation comes if things are not carefully considered...
Punches · 46-50, F
@SW-User I have had some dreams that sort of came true in waking life.

Problem is, my most common dream theme is about destroyed or filthy restrooms, usually in some dark basement or someplace you do NOT want to use the restroom.

From what I have read, that means I have emotional baggage I need to get rid of. It is to the point when I see a clean restroom in a dreams, I go briefly lucid and think, "Okay, something is about to go wrong."
You have empathy for living things...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
... what it means 🤣

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