imagine if they just bought the food & made someone's day instead
bijouxbroussard · F
@lovelywarpedlemon Imagine that, indeed.
Fernie · F
@lovelywarpedlemon My purpose in life is to feed anything that needs food. Buying food for someone who can't do it themselves doesn't just make THIER feels so good to do it and take away their hunger. No one should ever be hungry
Selah ·
I havent seen you in forever. Did you block me? Lol
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@fernie] well what an impatient ungrateful woman you could of been nasty over her impatient actions but you made a kind gesture to take the heat out of the situation then it was thrown back at you 🙄 honestly some people you can not weigh them up
bijouxbroussard · F
@smiler2012 Except that it wasn’t a kind gesture after all—just a way of getting back at her.
Fernie · F
@smiler2012 I love that you saw this the way you did. But,
smiler2012 · 61-69
@bijouxbroussard subtle way of getting your own back cute 😆
MostlyBehaved · 46-50, M
I don’t know where this McDonalds is, but it seems a little racist they serving all the white cars, while the one black car has to sit across the street.
bijouxbroussard · F
Well, now everyone knows who he is—the kind of guy who strives to be the bigger jerk
rather than the bigger person.
rather than the bigger person.
NightsWatch · M
daaaaaannnnggg you gangster as fck .