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Do you delete and block people that don't comment the way you like? And do you tell them to heart your post?

I'd like to call out a few, but that's against the policy, but um... shouldn't that be against the policy as its bullying.
LadyJ · F
No ...i keep having to block people who i dont know!! who keep repeatedly jumping over to my profile to do detective work for others 🙄 or people who have been here less than a day ( fake profiles)trying to get me to show pics or ask personal questions ..this place is nuts sometimes 🙄
Miram · 31-35, F
@LadyJ and alt accounts..
LadyJ · F
@Miram yes ..every day im getting weird accounts messaging me everyday im constantly blocking
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
I can't imagine taking SW that seriously.
I've never asked anyone to heart my posts and I block for any reason I feel like, but rarely is it ever because someone disagreed with me. I usually block because they're a sick freak or just immensely boring.
I haven't deleted or blocked a comment that disagreed with my point of view. I prefer to leave it there because I genuinely want to know what others think and, hopefully, why they think it.

If a reply is rude or abusive I leave it there.
I don't take it personally.
The comment shows up that person's personality for all to see.

If a comment abuses another person I do flag it. Usually I've had a (very delayed) message back saying that my reasons were found valid.

To me, the only value in someone hearting a post is if they do so spontaneously. If they did it because they were asked it would destroy the value of the gesture.
Miram · 31-35, F
That's stupid.
Miram · 31-35, F
@ScarletWitch I understand that. Maybe it was very important to her and she needed to feel loved I guess. You were a good friend and I am glad she had you.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Miram yeah I lost a few people here. It makes me sad getting close to others like I did. It's difficult.
Miram · 31-35, F
@ScarletWitch I am the same way. I don't grieve normally. Sometimes you try your best not to care about people so you don't deal with the pain of loss and you will anyway. You will love them. It just happens.
I’m going to start blocking those who totally ignore me until they wanna pick an argument.. tiresome ..
I'm an 'at-will' kinda guy, just like every business in my state who can fire you for any reason, or no reason. Diaper people, sex freaks, BDSM folks, weirdos, people like that are first in line. It goes downhill from there. It comes down to a close call with most of the rest.
luvnsunshine · 26-30, F
Nope. I mute people that have fetishes that gross me out and only block the ones that try talking to me. So if you ever want a list of folks into bodily functions or incest my mute/block list is the place to find them
I am sick of overly political posts that keep fueling division and block anyone who does that...

...unless I agree with them 😜
I only block idiots who are here to spread the hate. I can handle a difference in opinion.
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
I only delete them if people use foul language and say stuff about me
TexChik · F
Only hateful foul mouths and perverts reside on my sh*t list . 😊
Not unless the comments are abusive. And I certainly don’t tell anyone to heart my posts. That’s like demanding a compliment—totally defeats the purpose. Do people actually request others to heart their posts ? That’s as ridiculous as posters who accuse people who do heart “too many” of their posts of “stalking” them.
That I’ve actually seen. 😳
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