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There was a huge fight over masks at wal mart last night

Somebody was literally screaming and red in the face. I did not stick around to watch that freak show. Have you seen any mask related freakouts?
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Some people can't wear them for medical reasons.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Based on science and understanding how masks work and are designed to work I don't wear the paper or cloth masks. They are not designed to stop the spread of virus and they don't stop the spread of virus. However they do cause other health related issues including hypoxia, mask mouth, legionaries disease etc. Since there is no upside to wearing one and all kinds of downside to wearing one I made the sane decision not to wear one.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I'm guessing I see about 25% of people not knuckling under to the over reaching demands to wear a mask. No one wearing masks say anything about it.
They know it's all a ruse.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@QuixoticSoul all the doctors and nurses are in on the ruse too!
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil A worldwide democrat hoax.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@QuixoticSoul lol we might be burnt at the stake for spreading fake science and heresy
No I have not seen people act immature like that in my part of the USA. We are respectful here. We wear our masks and follow the proper procedures.
It happens everywhere!!
Only at Wal-mart....
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I was at Family Dollar and some moron was yelling at the clerk at the register that it was unAmerican to wear a mask. I thought the clerk was going to cry. He told me he had to wear one but I think he agreed with the guy.
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@Loretta78 I guess it’s “American” to get infected and to infect others, in the name of personal freedom. We have the highest number of cases and deaths now—freedom from good health and life.
Go, USA ! 😞
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Piper · 61-69, F
No, I've not seen any mask related "freakouts". I do see a lot of people not wearing them inside public places, though, and people giving me smirking sort of
looks...because I DO wear one.
I haven’t seen it yet, but if it happens where I work I will call the police.
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
I never have. Place I work we don’t look for confrontation. As long they come in with a mask on. They can do what ever they want. I see customers take their mask off when employees approach them. We say “need help looking for something” if they don’t we go on. If two customers start to argue with each other Over a silly mask we Call Security and they escorts them out of the building.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
It's a law everyone has to wear one at my Walmart
Not in person. But they should be jailed.
IsabelleA · 31-35, F
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Lol really!
Ginny2002 · 22-25, F
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A few weeks ago, a popular barber on the main street came out of her shop and was screaming at a group of unmasked tourists that it was the fault of “selfish, clueless people” like them that so many were dying and merchants were losing their livelihoods. She was so angry that the tourists ran away from her. She stood in her doorway crying until her husband took her back inside. 😞
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
People are crazy.
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deadgerbil · 26-30
Not yet. People who go into stores without them are asses

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