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TexChik · F
I do. Sometimes they do sometimes they dont. I was taught that doing someone a kindness is its own reward.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Yes. Once, when leaving a medical center, I held the door open for an elderly lady who was walking with crutches. She said, "Oh, thank you... you'll go straight to heaven for that.
I smiled and said, "But not for a while yet, I hope?"
She laughed and said, "No sweetheart, I think not for a good while."
I smiled and said, "But not for a while yet, I hope?"
She laughed and said, "No sweetheart, I think not for a good while."
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Slade · 56-60, M
@Thinkerbell of course you'll go to heaven, all good faerys do.
Speaking of the other place - 16 days we celebrate 70 years of Stalin getting torpedoed there!
Speaking of the other place - 16 days we celebrate 70 years of Stalin getting torpedoed there!
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Slade · 56-60, M
@Thinkerbell oh absolutely he will. And when his comrade Gloomy tries to console him with "he couldn't have lived until now" we remind him that thuggish Chavez also went to Hell on this day a mere 10 years ago. And he wasn't that old
Double whammy to finish him off!😈
Double whammy to finish him off!😈
Piper · 61-69, F
Yes. Most people do at least smile and nod, but sometimes people behind them keep streaming in like I'm the doorperson or something.
Swoop62 · M
[Piper] Right, any time we can help another and able to do so comes back to us in some way.
patriotprincess · 41-45, F
Yes I do and it’s usually appreciated
Swoop62 · M
@patriotprincess And when a thank you comes and we throw in a your welcome then both feel a good thing.
patriotprincess · 41-45, F
@Swoop62 exactly
Jordan420 · 56-60, F
its very much appreciated
LamontCranston · M
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Yes for both questions.
Once when leaving a medical office building, I held the door open for an elderly lady on crutches.
She said, "Thank you so much. You'll go straight to Heaven for that."
I smiled and said, "But not for a while yet, I hope."
Then she smiled too.
Once when leaving a medical office building, I held the door open for an elderly lady on crutches.
She said, "Thank you so much. You'll go straight to Heaven for that."
I smiled and said, "But not for a while yet, I hope."
Then she smiled too.
Carissimi · F
I do if they are close enough. Some do, and some don’t, thank me, but it does not affect my common courtesy.
Teslin · M
100% do hold the door. Most appreciate this, some just walk through.
Slade · 56-60, M
I always do. And 99% of the time people acknowlege it
BeefySenpie · M
If they’re close by. It was acknowledged yesterday 😌
Swoop62 · M
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
Yes, and most appreciate it and say thanks.
Swoop62 · M
@Roadsterrider Appreciate the reply and same for me on replies.
Rickichickie · 56-60, F
I do and most of the time I get a thank you and a smile.
Yes always
Swoop62 · M
@LILREBELDOM69VAMP69 Absolutely great and speaks well for your attitude. Funny about this question got brought back to life as it is 6 years old.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Yes and yes. But the thing is, because I walk with a cane these days because of my leg, I find that people who I intended to hold the door for are rushing up and holding it for me. :(
Swoop62 · M
@ChipmunkErnie hey speaks well for you and a lot of people in the Country.
eyeno · M
Yes I do...doesn't matter if they acknowledge me or not, thats just me.
chrisCA · M
Yes I do, and they usually thank me.
Galanr40 · 61-69, M
I always hold the door open,?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Yes and yes.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Yes - it's only ordinary politeness; and most do say "thank-you".
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I will and people usually do and when it’s held for me I will always thank the person.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Swoop62 i didn’t even notice the date 🤭. I opened it from a comment on my feed.
Swoop62 · M
@iamonfire696 I did have to wonder how that gets back in the stream. I see one person happens on it but this has taken off again.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Swoop62 it’s a good question though
Azlotto · M
I always did until recently...Now when I do, people look at me like I'm going to rob and rape them.
bijouxbroussard · F
I do, it’s the way I was raised. Sometimes I get a "thank you", other times not.🙂
Any time I see someone close to the door I am at, I will hold it open. My children learned this by my example. It's appreciated....same as I appreciate it when someone does the same for me.
candycane · 31-35, F
Yes on both
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I hold doors open for everyone. It's good practice for putting others first.
Swoop62 · M
Thanks, and great gesture and even better reason for doing it.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
If it needs to be held open for them I do and most acknowledge it.
Swoop62 · M
Thanks for the reply and of course not all would acknowledge but do wonder why at times.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Swoop62: there are a few people in this world who don't appreciate anything, even holding a door when they need it...sad
All the time. Habit. Most don't.
Swoop62 · M
Thanks for the reply and good for you and sad for most of them. Around here most do.
@Swoop62: That sounds great. That good Ole southern hospitality. Sure would LOVE to experience it one day.
Swoop62 · M
@Umile18: well hope you do and maybe you keep trying and you will get that right where you are.
booboo · M
yes, I try to...and sometimes they acknowledge it and sometimes they don' doesn't matter to me either way..however, if the wife sees them not acknowledging my kindness, she will make a scene...sheesh...just shut the hell up will ya!! it's in my nature to be nice, not to expect they acknowledge that I am.. 🙄
Swoop62 · M
Thanks for the explanation and you are doing it for the right reason and not just to get an answer back.
Yes. Nope.
Swoop62 · M
Thanks, but hey in spite of you getting maybe more refusals to respond you still do a good thing.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Yes and yes
Swoop62 · M
So good feeling all around from both parties. Appreciate your time to answer.
Yes and yes
Swoop62 · M
Thanks for the comment and atta girl and always good to see younger ones do that and glad you get positive responses for your courtesy.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Swoop62 · M
well, that is perfect and you must live in a nice part of the World. Thanks.
Gossamerwings · 70-79, F
Yes , I hold the door and also have the door held for me , it's always acknowledged either way .
Swoop62 · M
Thanks for the answer and that is the way we would hope it would be.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
I do and its hit or miss. Typically its the younger women that dont
Swoop62 · M
Thanks for the answer and had not thought of a group but like younger women being likely not to respond. Maybe they think they are being hit on.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Pretty often, and most people say "thank you"
Swoop62 · M
Thanks, and I guess sometimes the person is a length away from there and feel awkward holding a longer time. I most often get a thank you as well.
hisgoodgirl · 46-50, C
Yes, and mostly.
Swoop62 · M
Thanks and good for you and for I am sure different reasons hard to get 100% replies.
hisgoodgirl · 46-50, C
@Swoop62: I don't do it for the acknowledgement. I realize some people are battling demons that I can't begin to imagine in the brief contact of that moment. I also realize that some people are just ungrateful jerks. Either way, I don't let it get to me if they don't say thanks.
Swoop62 · M
@PaperSnowflake: Ii agree as if you only do it for replies then we are just looking to trade off. That is why I said they may not respond for different reasons and not most are bad like ungrateful as you mentioned. Pre occupied with thoughts, or even just shy.
Starlite · 46-50, F
Yes especially my family.
Swoop62 · M
Looks like you kind of have it covered and thanks for your reply.
Sometimes, yes
Swoop62 · M
Thanks and good for you to think of that and others should respond to you positively when you do that, but if you do it anyway shows your class.
Welcome, I don't do it only if I'm in a hurry or something :)
yes.. some do some dont
Swoop62 · M
Appreciate the comment, and I guess there will be some that don't but not letting that stop you, you still win.
yeah i wont its part of my character to do that kind of thing
exexec · 70-79, C
Yes and yes.
Swoop62 · M
Appreciate the comment and all is well with you and the people you deal with. Proves lots of nice people still out there from all walks.
Yes and yes
Swoop62 · M
Thanks and Bingo as you have a clean sweep on both.
amvanquish · 51-55, M
Yes and most do.
Swoop62 · M
Great, there are still plenty of first class people out there and you would be one.
Swoop62 · M
Thanks, actually had to google up Ofc as I am not a texter but see that means you do that. Nice gesture.
😅Always and 9 times out of ten :-)
Swoop62 · M
Appreciate your time to answer and that really is good numbers and I can tell you do like the gesture.
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
I normally it's not done on purpose but I push pepeople out off the way. .
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
I don't see them because I don't concentrate. I always appoligise.
Swoop62 · M
@Jay04Sch: At least they don't cheap shot you.
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
@Swoop62: imagine that.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
No why should I? They don't do it for me 😤
Swoop62 · M
Thanks, but sorry you see it that way but each makes their own choices. The idea would be to not expect something back every time you do a good deed. That is just trading which would be just that.
Arnoldrj1 · 70-79, M
yes I do!!
I do and some times woman act like its insult and should not do it