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Do you have an opinion of Facebook, and if yes, what is it?

JBird · F
Waste of time. Especially when your friends are conspiracy theorists, so called animal activitists, vegans and extremists
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JBird Some "friends"!
JBird · F
@ArishMell yep, I made the account when I was in school, didn't have any idea what my friends turn into
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Facebook sucks.

It should be called Racebook, a steaming cauldron of narcissism and political sewage.

If I wasn't in a band, I'd get rid of it. I have zero interest in documenting my trips to the store as if they are vitally important news.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@uncalled4 I agree the pet and keep d or baby vids are great. Everything else..ugh it can feel like high school..who has a better selfie? Who went away? Etc. I just think we needed FB vent session lol😛
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@uncalled4 What kind of people do you have as friends there? 😧 Around 80% of people I added as friends don't post at all. If I spot a braggart or a political nutjob that gets on my nerves I completely hide his or her activity from my feed.
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
@uncalled4 But the narcissism and sewage shows up far more quickly than in real life, so less time wasted.
Zoranna · F
I do and it's not a favourable one. I had an account very briefly but then deleted it.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I don't mind being on Facebook. I get information from there. I like how I can find various restaurants, cafés or businesses with pictures and reviews.
I like when artists and musicians post their promo, thoughts or experiences on their pages and I can see it in my feed.
I like to have an option of learning about events near me without even trying.
I like seeing what some people I don't meet anymore do. Especially artists I met and added as friends.
Facebook groups are great - when I was in college we had a group for our faculty and people posted all learning materials we needed there.

I hate ads and spam in my feed. Facebook must have lost many users when they implemented ads popping out in a personal feed. (Except ads for new restaurants in my city. 😁 Those are fine.)
I hate how you reload a page and lose the content you saw before.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Yes - it is best avoided.

Most social-media and specialist discussion sites use advertising for their revenue, otherwise they would have to charge their users a subscription.

Facebook though was started as a social network, but became primarily a business that collects and sell personal details to advertising-agencies and major retailers; and goodness knows who else.

I learnt that from a public lecture on Internet and computer security given by a professor in the subject, who frankly said he refuses to use Facebook for that reason.

It is also far too acquisitive - post anything and you lose control over it as it is now FB's property; and bereaved families have terrible problems trying to obtain access to late user's accounts to recover material or to have them closed down. I think this applies to other sites, too.


It is also too easy for idiots to drop themselves into hot water by incautious posts of misbehaviour or libel, subsequently read by university authorities and present or potential employers. Or criminals. That though, is entirely the users' fault.

I know someone who spent several years on a major model-engineering project, costing him a lot of money in materials as well as some thousands of hours of work over that time. He proudly posted photos of it completed, on Facebook, and this elicited unexpected enquiries of its financial value even though he had not indicated intending to sell it. (He doesn't.)

Luckily he realised these anonymous respondents' motives, and deleted and blocked them unanswered; but I wonder if others have been caught by thieves, having publicised their own amateur craft-work or other valuable property.

I gather the more dedicated criminals, especially those stealing to order, use diligent social-media examination to narrow down the search to telephone-directory range. They collate open posts and unwitting clues, a task rendered much easier when a user establishes a single nick-name and password for all registrations. Mine, and my passwords, are all different.


There was a rash of cases of the similarly-stupid putting party invitations to (real) friends on Facebook then wondering why their parents' home was wrecked by gangs of gate-crashers! You don't hear of that so much now so perhaps its present users have learnt from previous misfortunes.
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
@ArishMell It can be useful for those reasons, too. I take no polls or "tests" but I posted police records on my niece along with actual screenshots of her hatefulness by text mail. It can follow her all her life long, as it should.
ArishMell · 70-79, M

And just what is that supposed to achieve other than showing yourself up and risking never being reconciled?

That material is not yours now but Facebook's, and I do wonder the legality of you posting Police records. Did you have official permission to do so?

If behaviour like yours and your neice's is common on Facebook, frankly I am glad to have nothing to do with a site that encourages bullying and in-foghting.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Was never very keen on it but two things made me delete it.

1.When I discovered photos I'd posted being used on another site.

2.Zuckerberg's brass in front of the committee questioning his policy on selling user information to other companies.
And the committees total lack of balls in setting boundaries or limits for him.
Sold every user down the river.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Picklebobble2 I agree governments must be a lot firmer with these organisations, but I'm not sure it's lack of will so much as feeling the few huge US corporations who have taken over the Internet, are beyond anyone's power.

The authorities do try - I think one or two have been fined or ordered to pay back-taxes by the EU among others - but nothing will happen until the fines wipe out a couple of years' profits AND the founder / proprietor and senior Directors are also personally fined so heavily they can't just shrug it off as a depressed trading year. If they don't pay? Seize their bank accounts until paid.

The hazard of course is that they would simply take the money from the employees by making many of them redundant, or from shareholders by denying dividends, - though either would further harm the company's reputation.

The difficulty is also who you actually go after and in which country. Ideally, it should be the companies' home legal systems; but that should not let their overseas operations and managers off the hook.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@ArishMell The very fact that these companies have grown so large in the first place raises questions about competitiveness and how well they serve the public.

This should have seen companies like Google/Microsoft/Amazon/Apple etc. legally challenged and broken up as is law in many other countries.

Fining companies themselves is worthless if the maximum they can be fined is 10% of their operational capital as is the case within the USA.
If such corporations deliberately flout the law to gain viewing advantage or to misrepresent something to their users in order to get them to buy into whatever is being 'sold' that too should be challenged.

American governments sleazy business operations and the way the whole lobby system works, continually screws the public over.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Picklebobble2 Well, I don't pretend to understand the USA's political and legal systems, but I agree with your anti-monopoly sentiments.

10% capital is probably something those companies can write off as "expenses" because they have ensured no competition.

And that raises another point: security.

We all know Facebook, Google etc shamelessly sell users' details to anyone with the right money, and using the " Full" rather than "Custom" Install option on WIN-10 is designed to give Microsoft unfettered access to your internet use (it does warn you of that, though).

However I am more concerned that the near-universality of just one set of services all in cahoots with each other must make life very much easier for the more determined professional hackers, not only the fraudsters but also those employed by the Governments of China, N. Korea and Russia,
StevenIzzi · 51-55, M
I enjoy my FB (I have a naughty and nice account).

My "Nice" account is nothing but comedy and pics of the family.
I do not do drama, I do not do politics, I do not do racial posts.

My focus is to bring a smile to someone that may be having a bad day.
There's good and bad. They track way too much information about their users. I don't like the algorithm that decides what you see. Fb is one of the fastest ways to get news updates. It's one place I can keep up with most of my family. Full of drama, though.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Most people use FB for staying in touch with family and friends who they know from offline. I find FB "ok, but not terribly exciting" for that. I am by no means addicted to it.

On the other hand, I have joined a few private groups on FB. Two are related to my profession, and one is for discussing Jane Austen. I have found the discussions in those groups to be quite interesting and enriching.
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
@DrWatson Did you ever see the Owen Wilson movie, "Idiocracy"?
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@FlowersNButterflies No, I have not heard of it.
FlowersNButterflies · 61-69, F
@DrWatson It was supposed to be a comedy, but unfortunately, seems a commentary now!
Biggest pile of shit ever created. I just don't get it.

People think they have their on news channel and everyone wants to know their every thought and move. Nobody is interested!
It's boring with nothing but fake friends who wouldn't talk to you if you met them in person
NewKidInTown · 51-55, M
What Zoranna said.
I see it as something for older people. It was never very popular with people my age. All I ever hear about is people blocking family members because of political ranting. Just seems like a dumb site to me.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@SW-User It WAS popular for a hot second after MySpace fell out of favor, pretty much overnight in the mid-2000s, at least by me.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
I suffer it because it keeps me in touch with family. And facebook steals every piece of data it can from me to on-sell at the best price.

Out of the blue, and into the black.
They give you this but you pay for that.
MelanieUK · 22-25, F
FB is not what it used to be, I left over a year ago because of the way people stopped using it as a fun site to a commercial site ie "You gotta join the local group, you gotta join our sales group" etc etc
adorbz · 26-30, F
I have an account cuz messenger is convenient but I don’t think I’ve opened the actual facebook app in months
User41 · 36-40, M
I don’t have social media

Well other than sw I’d course
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Gloating for attention
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Beatbox34 Yep. One friend NEVER STOPS POSTING pics of her and new baby. Like multiple times a DAY. It's like we understand he's so cute and you HAVE A BABY. 🙁
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Coralmist I personally deleted my facebook account for that very reason. It's a place filled with narcissists.

I use Facebook just to keep in touch with people I know. Other than that, I see no reason.

I understand every social media is a way to fish attention but Facebook and Instagram have topped the charts.

This is why I love sw and reddit. Agreed you'll get the same here as well but you're anonymous and you don't need to see them.

I would have passed a comment that you have the last human on earth 😂. It's a bit rude but showing off your kid too much is unhealthy as well. You never know how people use pictures against you.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Beatbox34 So true!!
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TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
loada shite, deleted my account 10 years ago
It has its place I guess. But my place is not on it.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
I use it to spy on people.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I don’t bother with it. I had a page years ago, and a college stalker I’d finally managed to avoid found me again. It just wasn’t worth it. I deleted the page and never looked back.

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