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If you could do something about it, how would you go about solving the fake news problem?

naturefarmer41-45, M
News reporting should be facts and only facts. Absolutely objectively written, showed and presented and show both sides of the coin as opposed to one side of the coin.

The reality is that the news channels are own be people who, always have and will some agenda, make money or increase social power.
@naturefarmer I agree. The news should be about giving the public the information and letting them decide what to do with it, not trying to influence their decisions.
Change the slander/libel laws back to their original form, out law propaganda, "news" programs have to mention that what they report is their opinion and may mot actually be true it they don't have incontrovertible truth that what they are reporting is fact.
@TexChik I agree. Too many people are trying to pass off their opinions as facts. Opinions have their place in society, but people should have all the facts to be able to come to their own conclusions.
Elessar26-30, M
Educating people is the key. There is an alarming level of global ignorance, especially in regards to scientific matter.

People who don't know the difference between a virus and a bacterium who feels entitled to speak about a pandemic, for instance.
People want to hear news presented in a way that pleases them so the media will do that in order to get more viewers/readers. It doesn鈥檛 matter if you鈥檙e liberal or conservative.
@wilderflower I agree. The media should stick the facts and not put spins on the information or interpret it. Let people think for themselves.
Thevy2941-45, M
Each news anchor would be hooked up to a Lie detector. Each time they tell a fib it would set of the airbag under their seat. I'm thinking of installing these in congress too.
@Thevy29 Definitely would make life more entertaining. We should start our own media company, LOL!
Ignore it
Apply Truth In Advertising laws to news. If it's presented as "news", it must be proven fact. No lies, manipulated half-truths, or opinions. If caught in a lie, there would be penalties. First time, a warning, second time, a fine, three strikes, and they're out, and no longer allowed to call themselves a news organization.
@AbbeyRhode I agree, there should be more stringent rules to make sure that the public is given accurate, reliable data.
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@RamessesII But people need information to make good decisions. We need to know what is going on in the world, or at least in our local area.
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Fake news is a deep issue.. if anyone could do anything about it there鈥檇 be no issues in the world at all 馃槀
@SStarfish Definitely is a big issue. Unfortunately, journalism is a necessary evil. How can we make good decisions, without good information?
The history books will not be kind to the yellow press.

Keep calm, and carry on 馃尲
ArishMell70-79, M
Trace and name the originators, and block their Internet accounts.
Adstar56-60, M
Stop watching CNN.. 馃槉
@Adstar Or at least, have more than one source of information, so you can compare.
JaggedLittlePill46-50, F
Get rid of fox news and all other opinion shows
@JaggedLittlePill Or at least, should be clear that these are just people's opinions and not the raw facts.
JaggedLittlePill46-50, F
Understand that just because a news story is unflattering to the current president doesn鈥檛 mean it鈥檚 fake.
@bijouxbroussard Good point. I think as humans we put others on pedestals, we forget they are human and make mistakes, like the rest of us.
No such thing as fake news
@TJNewton So you don't think people put misleading information out there to influence people?
@justberniegirl The news is correct journalists dont lie only Dumbfuck criminal lying sack of shit trump does
@TJNewton You don't think politicians in the past used propaganda to influence the public?
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@SteelHands But then wouldn't they just learn how to cheat the lie detector test?
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@baben30 But shouldn't there be standards in the Journalistic community?
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