There’s a slight change, ever so slight, due to the uncovering of past wrongs by men in power, and due to this there are some women taking advantage of the situation. However it’s minute, to say the least, and not worth whinging about considering what women in the past have been through.
Considering the "me too" campaign are you sure you have it right?Pretty sure a certain film industry guy got slung in prison recently too.Vote in a woman President then ask again.
@PeteyK I'm giving you that one because I remember the case of a footballer accused of rape by a 19 year old girl,he was jailed but on appeal the verdict was overturned because she was known to be promiscuous with footballers specifically and he had witnesses.He did turn it around and won through.
@DearAmbellina2113 It’s not a tiny bit. We live in a society where women can lie about being raped and send a man to decades in prison. We live in a society where the education system favors girls and a society that openly bashes men everyday.
It seems to be common in many countries as toxic feminism takes the place of a genuine desire for equality. In saying that, there are still many men who think they are superior; in my experience the totally stupid ones who like to call themselves 'Alpha Males' or some such.