Cigarettes being legal never stopped the huge trade in illegal cigarettes, and the associated tax evasion, by organised crime gangs.
If drugs were made legal they would undoubtedly be taxed and tax evasion would still make illegal drugs profitable.
If drugs were made legal they would undoubtedly be taxed and tax evasion would still make illegal drugs profitable.
alan20 · M
@SW-User Possibly then low taxation would be necessary. At present they're getting zero.
That sounds like failure to assist a person in danger.
Some people think it's a good solution against gang activities, I personally tend to think people will not become responsible and nice because it's legal.
I'm more victim-oriented there (the victims being drug-abusers themselves as well as people around them). Drug-addicts will try stronger stuff that is not legal. As far as drug-related violence is concerned, alcohol is legal, and yet many crimes are still committed while people are drunk.
Some people think it's a good solution against gang activities, I personally tend to think people will not become responsible and nice because it's legal.
I'm more victim-oriented there (the victims being drug-abusers themselves as well as people around them). Drug-addicts will try stronger stuff that is not legal. As far as drug-related violence is concerned, alcohol is legal, and yet many crimes are still committed while people are drunk.
Peaches · F
They were legal long ago,😐but greed took over and many are dying. True, drugs kill people. But with no "middle men" or "drug lords" many would still live longer! Just like the internet...who controls it? I remember getting internet for $10.00!😎
Spoiledbrat · F
I mean marijuana is legalizing all over the us. I think that’s enough.
alan20 · M
@Spoiledbrat I don't know enough about drugs to debate what is relatively harmless.
Spoiledbrat · F
In my opinion, a less harmful drug is marijuana. @alan20
Spoiledbrat · F
Extant1 · M
Legalize them all, population control !

That would be crazy.
alan20 · M
@SW-User Even though several innocent people have been killed through mistaken identity?

@alan20 why would they kill innocent people? They should first prove the identity.
alan20 · M
@SW-User I wouldn't suggest they should bring in identity cards so that people could be killed!
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
A doped up citizenry won’t care about not having a job or money 👌