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what the meanest thing someone ever said to u on a sw post question comment or story

how did u react be honest 🤔
Trolls and perverts harassing me about my childhood molestation. I wasn't upset at all, they're not the first sickos to make fun of me about that and the only one they made look bad are themselves.
Unfathomably disgusting.@PerchingDove
@AnonymouslyYours Yep. It doesn't surprise me or even bother me anymore and there's nothing they hate more than that. 😉
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Ive had a number of things said to me that upset me. A person id been friends with turned on me once and called me a liar after a misunderstanding. He set up a new profile and popped up calling me a lair and fake and using my real name. This was all very hurtful.....i really hadnt lied and im not fake. I reported him and his new profile.
Ive also been told im a gullible old fool ( which is true... but i dont need telling) i also posted a pic from when i was 20 and got told i was really ugly. A number of my friends saw that comment before me and stuck up for me....but that time i simply deleted the post.
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
@RubySoo i know how u feel i had more than one SW friend turn on me
curiosi · 61-69, F
It was back on EP and I wrote a story about an extremely painful tragedy. I don't even want to think about the cruelty that was hurled at me. I ended up taking the story down.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@curiosi seriously fuck those people. The intention of this place and EP was to be a safe place to express pain and experiences and connect. It pisses me off thinking that others would ridicule anyone for using the site for its intended purpose
Laughman · 46-50, M
There was some fruit loop on here who tried to turn my conversation of outing ideas with toddlers into some idea that I was a pedo. Honestly...FFS grow up.
english · 56-60, M
someone attacked my mother instead of me ,ive never seen her since i tore into her ,
@english I never worry about those - they dont know your family....
pride49 · 31-35, M
It was the spicy and sweet girl...she mean 😞
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
@pride49 she in my friends list she dosnt seem like a mean person
pride49 · 31-35, M
@XDHyperGirlXD1 well she doesn't like me lol
It wasn't as much mean as it was plain wrong - she said that my name is Robert and that I have been banned on 6 different websites - and that I was a woman because apparently she PM'd someone and they discussed me. Then she said I was gay 🖕🏻
HeteroDox · 36-40, F
I get attacks on my intelligence when they run out of gas... the result comes down to some thing as, "oh yeah??...well... yer just a poopy head" sooner or later.

Good for a few laughs
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
Someone called me a pervert and sick .I just ignore it .If they get really abusive I just block them so they can go abuse someone else .
Making fun of my weight. It bothered me for the rest of the day. Its my biggest insecurity.
Lol which time
@XDHyperGirlXD1 oh I don't know the meanest but I've had some pretty rotten things said to me. But the thing is just not to care what assholes say. There's always another jerk ready to be more hateful.
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
@SW-User 😊 wanna know something funny i said to a hater before XD
@XDHyperGirlXD1 once I got comments about how my father probably killed my whole family on purpose when they died in a car accident and I threatened to kill the bitch and tell God she died. And i was fucking serious. You can talk about me but my family is off limits to any punk.
It has yet to happen...haven't been around long enough, apparently.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
I can't remember, I don't keep track of what fools say
redredred · M
There was a pretty exclusive high school that required one to, not only pass but score in the top ten percent of an entrance exam to be admitted. I was not a good student but took the exam and placed very well.

My teacher told me it must have been a sick joke. I believe my response was my first sardonic smile
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
That guy recently calling me a cunt. But it didn’t hurt my feelings he was crazy.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 i never add peeps but I’ll send you some cookies 🍪🥰
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit do u pm people XD
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 lol yeah anytime!

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