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Comment me a compliment and I’ll compliment you on something from your profile.

Wait the minute, why is everybody compliments you?

Oh, I get it. The question is asking people to compliment you and wasn't about giving a random compliment that doesn't necessary about you. Sorry, the way I understand is complicated. I thought you were asking giving you a compliment, not compliment you.

Well, for the personality or character, I don't know you that much that I know what to compliment you. But for the physical appearance, I think you look cute.
Well, every woman has their own unique look.
lilangel · 26-30, F
What does this mean @SW-User
@lilangel This means, every single woman is beautiful in their own way. No one is the same; we are all unique.
SailorMarz · F
I've been slacking with my profile, i planned on putting funny memes that decribe me on it, but it's too much work and i'm not as invested on this site as i used to be
SailorMarz · F
@lilangel thanks, it was the crack
@SailorMarz I have some crack for you...
SailorMarz · F
@SooperSarah give it to me
NickiHijab · F
Your snapchat stories are cute.
NoYou · 26-30, M
@NickiHijab omg can I? ;-;
NickiHijab · F
@NoYou I'll pm it to you lol
NoYou · 26-30, M
Omg yay @NickiHijab
Quizzical · 46-50, M
You always seem so bright and cheerful 🤗
lilangel · 26-30, F
You’re a very easygoing guy I’ve never seen you be rude to anyone even if they’re in the wrong.@Quizzical
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@lilangel Then you have problem missed a few of my posts when I am arguing, lol 😂

I'm no angel xx
NoYou · 26-30, M
You’re definitely a tall figure on SW
me a compliment
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Won't that make me someone who compliments only for the sake of receiving it back ?
lilangel · 26-30, F
It’s not that serious dude. It’s 2:42 am I can’t sleep and being loving to one another isn’t a bad thing to end the night with. Don’t take shit so serious lol@MasterofNone
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@lilangel sigh....
Barny52 · 56-60, M
I think you are a very intelligent young lady for your clever selfie photos ,,sexy but interesting ,,,you should be a artist xx
trackman11 · 61-69, M
No compliment needed but it’s nice of you to treat your insomnia by offering to compliment people. 🙂
My profile is lame. I won't put you on the spot like that.
lilangel · 26-30, F
I feel like you have a fun personality!@SooperSarah
@lilangel thanks (:
Your cute as a button. And you’re right it was an egg before the chicken 👀
lilangel · 26-30, F
A chicken couldn’t have magically just appeared. You seem like a funny person ❤️@MrFreeeeeze
You will always be 64 year old Dan to me even though everyone forgot
lilangel · 26-30, F
Hahahaha. I didn’t know you would remember such important details about me. I feel like you have a strong attitude! Which is mysterious. @SW-User
DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
🤔 I like that you are ostentatious
lilangel · 26-30, F
What does that mean????@DamnFeelz
DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
Showy and fun @lilangel
UnlikeableAndy · 36-40, M
I like your style.. I think you have cool style .
lilangel · 26-30, F
YOU SEEM NICE@UnlikeableAndy
jlsdjfhasdljfhasdfa · 41-45, M
You sound like a fun person.
lilangel · 26-30, F
What makes me seem that way?You seem like such a nicer person who I could talk about anything to. I feel like you’d make me feel safe 😂@jlsdjfhasdljfhasdfa
jlsdjfhasdljfhasdfa · 41-45, M
@lilangel Aaw, that is such a nice and humbling compliment. Thank you. You're such a sweetheart.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
I hope you get to sleep soon not that you need any beauty sleep
JP7777 · 22-25, M
U seem very chill and kind, also ur beautiful
Ndnmaster · 31-35, M
Cute and cheerful!
lilangel · 26-30, F
You have a great anatomy @Ndnmaster
Ndnmaster · 31-35, M
@lilangel thanks
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
you are gorgeous, seem to be very level headed.
Your personality is magnetic
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Nice outfit earlier.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
You are nice
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
You have amazing fashion sense and should be in movies

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