greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I'd be too ashamed to want to say. The best I can say about it is it was a very long time ago and I have suffered guilt and have never done it again, have even done a few things to try and make up for it. Mistakes like that are meant to keep us humble, remind us we are imperfect beings and help us be less hard on others.
Sb356 · 26-30, F
🤫 🤫
Okay so I was at my friend’s house and we were playing pool. I accidentally knocked his dad’s hat down with the pool stick. He asked us which one was it. I lied and said that it was Gavin (my friend, he’s still my friend today) and he smacked Gavin’s head. I still feel guilty of it.
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NotValid · 31-35, F
@Kingfish28 Come on! Spill!
Midnightoker1 · 61-69, M
Bold of you to assume I've peaked.
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NotValid · 31-35, F
@SW-User Wow. Shame on you! 🤬
At least you're honest.
At least you're honest.
Ain’t no fucking way I’m telling you.
@NotValid I’m not supposed to be anything but me. Sometimes I’m nice and sometimes I’m a bitch. I’m always a mess, though. That part’s always true. It is what it is.
@NotValid I’m a bit volatile tonight, so I’m sorry I guess but please don’t tell me what I have to go. That never ends well for anybody.
@NotValid Just saying.
hotbutnot · 41-45, M
A fat lady
Syktur · 26-30, M
Heroin, fucked my sister’s best friend, meth