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My fellow Americans, does the requirement of real ID to travel by plane bother you?

I was gonna ask this under travel but I realized this affects more than just traveling.

So now we need Real ID to travel by plane here in USA. It will be enforced in all states soon if not yet. If you are not eligible to get real ID you can get passport but that will require additional payment. I wonder how many people might have a hard time acquiring that too? How will this impact businesses? How will this affect lifestyles, people wanting to see their love ones, etc.

Again, for technical reasons, even if you're a citizen, not everyone is eligible to get Real ID.
It feels like less-than-whole-citizenship, perhaps second class citizenship even.
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FaeLuna · 31-35, F
Even if your state doesn't offer RealID yet, if you can afford a plane ticket, you can afford a passport. They're good for 10 years. Just get one.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
@xixgun for those who don't qualify for the RealID, it's not just a matter of international travel, it is now a matter of DOMESTIC travel as well. This isn't about going through the border anymore, it's about just flying from one state to another, even if it's one next to you. You can not get on the plane with merely just a driver's license anymore, it has to be Real ID compliant or you do buy a passport which causes you to pay extra money, may not come to you on time, and easier to be lost as it doesn't just fit your regular wallet.

I can just imagine some veteran very upset fighting for the freedom of this country and now some family member of his can not see him because of some technicality. Or even if they do get a passport, problems can arise with what I've already said above.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
@FaeLuna that some people have to pay more is not such a bad thing, is not a problem? Okay!

Feels like some people are getting randomly taxed more than others.

I also think some people who never bothered to fly, or even just drive, to another country, previously had no proboem, but is now gonna be hit by this. You need certain documents. There are cases where those were lost by any reason at all, fire, hurricane, etc. That might make it very hard for them or even impossible to get.

Just imagine a veteran wanting a relative or friend of theirs to come see him, perhaps he wants to show off his new house. But suddenly they can't. The country he fought for to make free, won't allow it.
@FaeLuna It is federally mandated if you fly in the states. Every state will issue them with proper documents!
If you can't afford a plane ticket these days, surely, you can afford to get an ID.
Not in the least...
@Stereoguy indeed!! Best pancakes out there. 🙂
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@Stereoguy Thank you. 🤗
Our airports have to be safe and secure... Israel keeps their airports much better than USA.
@Stereoguy Here: Driver’s license, birth certificate, SS card and proof if married or divorced... showing any name changes.
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[image/video deleted]
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M

Name Variations in Proof Documents Create Major Headaches for Many Low-Income Driver’s License Applicants
You should be able to go to the court house and get a none driver I.D, Im not certain if every state does this but it is something to check into.
[image/video deleted]
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
Hear it from the people themselves. I'll be putting videos of people speaking on the camera having issues with it here.



SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Is this just for international flights or domestic as well? 🧐
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
@SubstantialKick it's domestic. Your gonna need real ID to travel even for domestic. If your driver's license is not Real ID and you don't have a passport, then you can't travel.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
Love her or hate her, and there's a lot of things I disagree of with her, Lisa Haven is in good form here.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
It doesn't bother me. I'm not sure how fair the new ruling is to everyone.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
Conforming to Real ID raises questions.
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DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
The Cato Institute on Real ID
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
So much for the Land of the free
xixgun · M
It bothers the shit out of me that I need an ID to travel, buy booze or cigarettes, to buy firearms, but not one to vote.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
@xixgun That's the spirit! I wanted to hear from the John Wayne, Clint Eastwood types. Not the sycophantic go to church every Sunday, never drink alcohol, never skip school, no sex till you're married, must have all your documents, buttoned up types.
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
It's yet another example of the way in which the terrorists won that the US government won't ever openly admit to. They made American lives less-free and US law makers were so stupid they played right into the terrorists hands and helped them to achieve it.
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greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
@Stereoguy The poster is talking about Real ID, a special government authorized ID for plane travel.
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