Donate toys to Children's Cancer hospital or clothes to a homeless shelter and spend some time with them. Then head off to watch a movie and take family out for dinner.
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@SimplyTracie You're a darling, and I adore your thoughts. So it's no surprise you liked this one. God bless you 😇❣️
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Vivaci Hugs 🤗
@SimplyTracie 🥰🤗💞

Do things by yourself. Sleep late, treat yourself at a restaurant. Eat cake

Celebrate it with yourself or with your family :P
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Do you have family? Invite them over for a BBQ.
Like I do? Just put a fake smile and smile through the hurt. Tell yourself that you are the best gift that could be given you and be content. Long as it may seem it's only 24 hours.
AmandeepSingh · 36-40, M
@Elandra77 Itz easily said than done. All my birthday are like every day.
Tanoos · 41-45, F
plant a tree or trees if you can..
Thanos · 31-35, M
Celebrate it by making some

Treat yourself... as you see fit. 🎉🎈🎂🎁🎊
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Take the day and indulge yourself.
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
Play with yourself