No, I hear them when I am sad as a form of expression.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M

@Groofydorkgerdo 😌😌
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
@SW-User Finally, someone who gets it....
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Used to. I suspect there was still a glimmer of idealistic hope in me that the universe somehow paid attention to feelings, back in those days. I have no doubt feelings mean nothing to the universe now.
What is there in pop to listen otherwise than broken, sad songs anyway?
Miley - Broken Heart, Sia - trauma all over, Julia M. - we have issues, Sam S., Gnash, are there any glad songs?
- oh and 21 pilots and Billie E. swumming in deep down poolofapathy and learnin to survive with it..
Miley - Broken Heart, Sia - trauma all over, Julia M. - we have issues, Sam S., Gnash, are there any glad songs?
- oh and 21 pilots and Billie E. swumming in deep down poolofapathy and learnin to survive with it..

No, not a very hardcore music fan I'm. I only listen to a few selected ones and I can even go months without listening to any. I love my ears and my brain. Too much digital noise is not good for either.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
I listen to depressing songs when I'm sad, but as way to cope, kinda helps with it.
Cant really explain it, it just helps.
Cant really explain it, it just helps.
Use too not anymore tho life’s to beautiful to be sad :)
DeecemberGirl · 31-35, F
I don't really listen to music in general lol

Not intentionally

Almost nonstop

Nope. Never do!


Eww no
And Girls like you of Babboon 5 isnot a happy song, more like a needy song, down there needy, and I need needy gurls likemyself to be on the couch and we can use sex a lil bit to hit ourself like needy animals that we are.. causewe bored but we have needs.. Tgere is now Love in songs, look at the lyrics, only primal, sexual snuff, let me use you like an object, needs, cause we all only animals, not humans. No yearnin, no wanting of universal kind, no loving.
Ah,,I'm bitching againand in postcynical period.
Ah,,I'm bitching againand in postcynical period.