PhoenixPhail · M
Pay attention to what you're doing with your consciousness, people. Look around you. See how you're supporting the people you allow to own you, use you, treat you like cattle, and keep you from knowing the truth of your own being. Be mindful of yourselves and of others - their wants, needs and desires. Practice kindness and compassion. Use your resources wisely, not haphazardly and inconsiderately. When you dig a hole in the Earth, fill it back up with something better. She'll reward you with her abundance. Metaphorically, do the same with yourselves and with everyone you meet. Practice aligning with your true selves. Spend time in nature. Love and nurture each other.
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@PhoenixPhail Bless that 🙏
PhoenixPhail · M
@Elfintrog Bless YOU. 🙏🤗💗
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Life is shorter than you realize; don't waste it fretting over the things that are out of your control, and for the love of everything that is good in the world, don't spend it hating things. We're all just trying to get through this madness as best we can, and being angry at some else for who they are or what they have or what they believe is a tragic waste of what you could be and achieve. :)
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thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@Elfintrog Yup! I am not going to say I don't deal with it, because there's a lot inside of me; I mean, my life was stolen from me completely when I was 22. I still resent that, and it might never go away. I'm working on it though. x3
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@thepreposterouspanda I sense it has given you mental strength!.. your still fighting!.. I know I shouldn't say look at the positives.. but hey! your a warrior now.. nothing else can phase you after what you've endured..
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@Elfintrog I'm pretty tough at this point, to be sure. xD I'm also fiercely protective of the things I care about. :)
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
If we don't act now the world is over, we will have nothing left to leave our children's children. We have to work together as it's the only way
Laughman · 46-50, M
I need a new job, please help.
Cowboybob · M
Oops, sorry, wrong button....
DDonde · 31-35, M
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Uh... Is this thing on...? *taps the mic as time runs out*
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
I don't like to talk to the whole world at the moment. 🙂
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
Send nudes 😂
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@AlienZipper 😂 Well if you cant be profound, be profane!
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
JupiterDreams · 31-35
Thanks for nothing you selfish, filthy animals. While you're all jacking off to your perceived greatness there are people out there struggling to survive and fighting their demons alone.
EmilyEdith · 56-60, F
Clean up your own stupid messes people!
Just clean up a mess if you make it.
🕰️23 seconds to spare.
Just clean up a mess if you make it.
🕰️23 seconds to spare.
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@EmilyEdith Think I may make a wall hanging of that.. just for my sons :)
Lostpoet · M
You all disgust me...😕 And byu is the greatest school in the world.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
☺️Ooh the possibilities! !
Should I declare war on stupidity or incite a worldwide uprising ???
Should I declare war on stupidity or incite a worldwide uprising ???
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@Picklebobble2 😁 Best keep it simple so the stupid don't get confused.. you've only 30 seconds!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Rise up downtrodden folk of the world ! Rise up I say !!