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People against pot use- your reasons?

I've been a daily weed smoker for a few years now, I know a lot of people have stigma against it. For those adamantly against general use- what are your reasons? Do your views extend to alcohol and cigarettes? Is it purely because of legal reasons? Past history? Former user yourself? Can you say you're against something you haven't had any direct exposure to?
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Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
If we had a vote today by the whole country pot use would be legal tomorrow.
I used to smoke hash (the resin that comes off of marijuana). After a couple months I realized that it was making me lazy and lowering my cognitive abilities to the point where I was struggling to function in my day to day activities. Not only is weed NOT harmless, it'll make you into a vegetable over time.

Do your views extend to alcohol and cigarettes?
No. The mental effects of alcohol are temporary and nicotine actually helps me to focus on work and hobbies.

Can you say you're against something you haven't had any direct exposure to?
Yes. There's plenty of evidence out there that weed is harmful.
MildlyInappropriate · 56-60, M
Thanks for sharing your thoughts - I've used cannabis for about 30 years now, and my experience differs from yours considerably.

Sure, there are times that it can make me lazy (sometimes the difference between sativa and indica), but mostly, it just adds a filter to my regular existence. I still function nearly exactly the same way as I do whilst not under the influence, it just allows me to tap into creative thought a little easier overall. It also lowers inhibitions, which just makes social situations more fun in general.

My experience with alcohol, on the other hand, is not as positive. It makes my mind sluggish, both in the moment, as well as the next day, if I've had a little too much to drink.

We are fascinating creatures, in that our individual experiences with various substances can vary so widely, wouldn't you agree?

ash365 · 26-30, T
@MildlyInappropriate I think my experience is much like yours, you experience things through a different type of filter with weed. I don't view the lowering of inhibitions as a bad thing, actually there's a lot I never would have had the courage to do if weed hadn't allowed me to just say 'fuck it'.
Your point that our experiences are so specific and individual is a very valid point however, the way I experience it isn't necessarily the same as for the next person, I know plenty of people who dislike the sensation.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@MildlyInappropriate yep this is same for me

Alas resin is not a good smoke. I have always considered it the stupid mans weed because you dont know what's added. I have found hair, plastic and other things within bits of resin which first boad well.

My opinion stay away from resin @SW-User
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Smoking it right now... so I can say, without a doubt, that I support it. xD
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I'm having a joint

Let them judge me all they want
jomsim · 26-30, M
I'm not against anyone else using it but it would be medically unsafe for me to use it given that it exacerbates certain illnesses which direct members of my family have had.
ash365 · 26-30, T
@jomsim That's a legitimate reason, interaction with pre-existing conditions yeah
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
it's a crutch like alcohol and cigs. People want to complain about the state their life is in yet they make up many excuses for why they use.
ImKelsey · 26-30, F
Pot typically destroys ambitions and relationships, leading to poverty and depression. Use it sparingly, if at all.
ash365 · 26-30, T
@ImKelsey Is this only your experience with it? Where I'm from it's a social thing you get together in a group to do
ImKelsey · 26-30, F
@ash365 See? Damaged interpretation.
ash365 · 26-30, T
@ImKelsey How is my interpretation damaged?
Well it can trigger schizophrenia, psychosis and panic in some people. Me included. But my biggest gripe is that you can't be around people using it without using it yourself. If it came in pill form it would be better. Not everyone wants to smoke it second hand.
ash365 · 26-30, T
@canusernamebemyusername There are wax concentrates and edibles you can use that don't have to effect those around you. Actually, I don't know about the US but they do have pill form THC in Canada now.
@ash365 Oh then that is better. I don't like cigarettes for the same reasons. I've never seen the pills though. Edibles I have but not pills.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
My biggest reasons are that it stunts brain development in teens. People that might think it's cool to do at an early age will suffer from it later.

A second reason is that marijuana abuse and dependency is real. It's not as bad as other substances out there, but it can still keep a person from living their best lives.

That said, I smoke pot and drink and spend hours a day on the web. My life's been in the shitter for decades, so I'm not a fixer upper that weed is limiting. It has lots of uses, but let's not treat it like a miracle drug. It's perfectly fine if used responsibly.
ash365 · 26-30, T
@TinyViolins Responsible use, I think you put it right there. I only started after I went through a hard time, had just been kicked out by my parents and bought a cookie off my coworker's homemade bake sales, the stress relief had me hooked. But in the end, drugs, weed, alcohol, sex, doesn't everyone have some kind of crutch...
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@ash365 True, we all have our vices. It's ultimately all about finding a balance
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Some people have a problem with fun.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
You are young, if you’ve used it for years at your age you will probably have chronic high blood pressure when you are older.
Fungirlvape · 61-69, F
I’m for it! Personally I’m concerned about smoke inhalation for the effect on the lungs, but there are other ways to enjoy marijuana.
Summersrain · 51-55, F
Weed like alcohol and cigarettes is a poison
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I’m not against pot use. But I think smoking anything is inconsiderate, since smoke cannot be contained within one’s immediate environs, even in an apartment building. There are so many other methods now of consumption that needn’t affect anyone else.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
I only think it’s silly ( but totally none of my business) when getting high is used as a replacement for actually going out & doing things, having fun etc to make sitting in a room fun. That does strike me as a bit dumb. But it’s not as if I don’t choose stupid stuff on occasion myself. The only other thing that led me concerned was the case of my Uncle Pat. He loved pot, loved to grow it & smoke his own crop. He never did any other drugs. Didn’t drink alcohol not even coffee. But he did smoke weed everyday from the age of 12- when he died in his 50s. All my childhood & a brief part of my adult life he was in I thought my uncle was a bit weird. He always spoke slow & seemed kinda dumb. I loved this man very much. But other than working he acted like he was teenager. He didn’t have a disability of any kind. So I was always cautious of perhaps the type of marijuana or extended use, improper smoke ventilation etc it’s never something I forgot. But I still don’t care for it to be illegal. Cannabis has provided much relief for many different ailments to people I personally know. So I am happy for its positive impact.

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