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Do you support illegal immigration?

If so i am curious if you support it enough to that you would take some illegal immigrants into your own household and let them live there with you?
People who say they support it, normally like putting on this act that they care so much so i am curious just how much you care..

Also those who constantly go on about seperating children from their parents when it comes to those who enter the country illegally, do you care so much when people in your country break the law and get a prison sentance and can not stay with their children? never see any one protest rights for prisoners and not to seperate their families..

just a thought. i know some people are going to get their panties in a twist over this as it always happens when these questions pop up but maybe instead of getting all angry about the law, you should get annoyed about those who break it and not act as though they deserve handouts for doing so
Evilnine86 · 36-40, M
Hey plum. Well for those people and their families is all about survival. They brake the "law" becouse they have no choice. It's either migration at all cost or watching your children die. What would you do?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Evilnine86 Anything else? 🙄

This "conversation" is getting stale, but I'll give you one more shot to make a relevant point before I move on.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SumKindaMunster can't expect much from a society that still idolizes an archaic caste system of royal inbreds... The UK is still little more than a Monarchy hiding behind a democracy
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@Evilnine86 would you prefer we reply "liberally" by screaming about Russians and calling everyone a racist? 🤔
Miram · 31-35, F
That depends. But I don't think a person needs to support illegal immigration to understand immigrants too are deserving of decent treatment and life. McAllen, Texas is not a decent facility for children no matter the politician who built it or uses it.

So lot of the people that may seem to be in support might just be wanting civil deportation proceedings to be more fair and fit to the charges.

do you care so much when people in your country break the law and get a prison sentence and can not stay with their children?

Only when what motivates them is a right cause. I don't support all laws, as someone who wants to push pass abortion laws, I am sure you can understand that.

If so i am curious if you support it enough to that you would take some illegal immigrants into your own household and let them live there with you

Someone made that argument against me when I once answered the question "would you report your neighbor if they were an illegal immigrant?" with "only if I believed they are a security risk"

That's because I did have an ex muslim neighbor who overstayed, under a study visa. Looking for a job. He now has a work permit and is legal. Why would I want an honest working man deported to a country where most hate him?

And in Algeria, I have had immigrants crossing from Morocco and from down south working in my grandparents field and then going through the legal process during. They need to be fed and it's better when they are doing the work.

I also prefer they stay in Africa because of the cultural differences and because they'd adapt there better. And because it's somewhere I can actually help them.
@PlumBerries Law's change and if the reason for discrimination for you is law, you need to examine how humanity works. My OPINION
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I don't see it as the law discriminating against anyone as it is the same law for everyone and those who break it should not be rewarded for it. When it comes to illegal immigration, I think legal citizens should be put first before others and those who want in, should do it legally
@PlumBerries Our borders are created, like the suffering people have to endure. It's tiring listen to people who complain, but we have a border. And the US can suck itself, if it wants to promote itself as the go to land, it comes with requests
In Europe, illegal immigration is a complete farce! Were I given the opportunity, my decision would be to torpedo all vessels dumping them on the shores throughout Europe and follow Budapest's lead in enforcing any land borders with razor wire. Here in Paris, in fact, in the whole of France, our illegal riff-raff are nothing but trouble! Some idiot on here the other day tried to insist it was only a minority group - hogwash!! They cause significant disruption to vital services - police, ambulance and fire - storm churches and railway stations, attack our children, rape and attack our women, burn our churches, murder our citizens, cut the throats of our priests, attempt to behead or knife others! At the same time, our true patriots protect legal immigrants regardless of race , colour or creed! Fortunately, France has now begun to deport them albeit slowly and our citizens are tolerant no more of their disgusting antics!
@wildbill83 Macron is pro-Islam! Fortunately, Mme. LePen is not and the political weight is now in favour of Mme. Le Pen. In fact, most of Europe , now, is adopting the attitude of those patriots who are wrobgly called 'far-right'.The little weasels who label us such have no understanding of patriotism. We have all races and religions here - legally - and they are always welcomed. They work hard and respect the country!
Cierzo · M
@wildbill83 Sadly, in Spain there are too many people who want the state to provide for everything (I don't think it is different in France, but Eugenie knows better).
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@EugenieLaBorgia It's been several hundred years since the last Crusade, maybe it's time for another one...

Do like King Leonidas and push the savages over the cliffs & into the sea...🤔
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
A Swedish TV programme made that experiment. They asked random Swedes if they would take in a refugee. Almost all said yes. But then the TV reporters had an African refugee at hand and offered the people asked to take him with them immediately. The people asked all refused. Suddenly they had all kinds of excuses.

Virtue signalling hypocrites, all of them.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Mugin16 not surprising. I wish I could have seen that tv programme now
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Mugin16 thank you :)
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
pretty cool that I wrote something as touchy as this that normally just starts arguments and from everything I have seen so far, people are just talking to one another saying their opinions and not starting petty arguments and insults at one another.. thought I would just say how refreshing that is here
@wildbill83 And please provide me an opportunity where the US wasn't looking after itself.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SW-User why, why, why do people have to make EVERYTHING about racism? I make no mention of ethnicity whatsoever, and yet... everyone's go to reply is eventually, and inevitably... "racism"...

Society has perverted & taken the definition of racism so far out of context that it no longer holds any meaning... 🙄
@wildbill83 I don't know decrying other's get you have seems to provoke something that way. It's way way easier to not BE angry
Short answer: no

Long answer:
Anti-immigrant hysteria and bigotry has been a long running tradition in the US. My descendants are primarily Irish and Italian, and at the time they came here, both were vilified and blamed for various ills of society by nativists. Although vilified, they were still allowed to immigrate even though they arrived without papers or permission at the onset.

As long as a country exists, there will be people attempting to enter it and leave it. Immigration and emigration are just the cost of doing business, so to speak, if you are a country. There needs to be much swifter and much more efficient adjudication of cases for asylum, permanent citizenship, and temporary work allowances. It shouldn’t take a decade to determine if someone should be granted citizenship. This system needs to be fixed, but not scrapped. The answer isn’t simply to build more/bigger walls and sealing off the country, nor is it to throw our hands up and kick all the doors open by decriminalizing border crossings, not vetting anyone, and just letting everyone in. It’s a complicated issue that needs more thought, ingenuity, effort, and compassion than this country appears to be able to muster in this moment.
There's no such thing as an "ideal solution" to a complicated problem...

There never is. Unfortunately, the loudest voices in the room are on both fringes. Solutions tend to come when reasonable people meet in the middle. We seem to have a dearth of reasonable people these days. Reasonable Republican moderates have long been ostracized as “RINO’s”, and moderate Democrats have been pushed aside for not being progressive enough. Somewhere along the way, being a moderate and seeking compromise has become anathema to both parties. That’s why I’m saying that we don’t possess the thoughtfulness, ingenuity, effort, or compassion that would lead to problem-solving. Hopefully, the next generation can do better, because we’ve failed on virtually every front.

wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SW-User immigration in the 1600-1800's was quite a bit different than it is today...

So using that as a basis of endorsing illegal immigration is a moot point

our ancestors came here to escape turmoil and famine in their own countries, not bring it with them as immigrants often do today...
using that as a basis of endorsing illegal immigration is a moot point

At no point did I endorse illegal immigration in my response. My point is that there have always been immigrants showing up on our shores and borders without paperwork. It’s not like this is a new phenomenon. The reality is that the system to handle immigrants is deficient whether they’ve started the process before arriving or not. We’re not in a climate where people are interested in actually solving anything, because that would require civility and compromise, which current leadership is completely incapable of and the populace in general has no appetite for.

NodandaWink · 51-55, M
You confuse illegal immigration with asylum seekers. The later is legal and we do have a crisis but your question is erroneous as it doesn't address the problem in any way.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@NodandaWink so build a nice new state of the art detention center but screw the shitty roads in your town
Batman · 41-45, M
Asylum seekers must seek asylum in the first country they make it to not the country of their choosing. @NodandaWink
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@NodandaWink The majority of illegal immigrants into Australia arrive via plane on tourist visas and dissapear into a network of underground support and become over stayers hence illegal. This does not make good news copy and rarely gets publicised. Asylum seekers arriving by boat are usually undocumented and very hard to validate....this makes the papers and news every time a boat arrives. It is sensationalised. The number of Asylum seekers compared to illegals is very very low.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
Great question and you are 100% correct, but on this site and political correctness you will only get bleeding hearts pushing their opinion down your throat,
The reality is most people think like you do but because with PC it's always the 1 out of 100 people that get heard
@ExtremeNext wow you must love your secular life.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@PlumBerries sad isn't it
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@ExtremeNext yep and extremely annoying
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
As a matter of principle, anyone who harbors & defends criminals (they became one the instant they crossed border illegally), lacks a moral compass [by putting the desires of strangers/criminals above the needs of our own citizens (many of whom are worse off than any immigrant)], has absolutely no credibility in questioning my opinions or intent...

And the irony is; Were we to stoop to their level and ignore laws & morality, illegal immigration would be a non-issue... we'd just shoot them as soon as they crossed the border...
I'd let them live with me on the condition they clean up after themselves. And from a societal POV, No I don't agree with it, Least not under normal circumstances. How would you feel if your neighbors hopped your back fence and started doing whatever they wanted without your permission, regardless of the intent?

(excluding instances where they're in danger ^)

from a humans POV. Absolutely. Humans are far too self entitled and need to be wiped out by about half at the least already :/ As far as I'm personally concerned, No one owns jack shit land wise, and tbh seeing as how you don't even own your fucking house, forgot what's it called, but im pretty sure the government can just cuck you if they wanted, so they apparently agree to an extent. But back on track, my point is, it's all connected on the same planet. we all go through, eat, drink and experience the same shit, albeit some far worse than others. There is no need you shouldn't be allowed to go where you want to go.

Overall it's about as stupid as having to pay to go on fucking hiking trails 😂
@SW-User So there is a dividing line who gets to do this?
@SW-User No one gets to do what they want when it comes to immigration, legal or illegal. legally takes so long whatever you're running from or looking for you'd of already lost or found. and illegally you'd probably get caught within a year.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I think a lot of people are confusing illegal immigration with asylum seekers. The illegal immigration influx also makes it more difficult for those people who are actually seeking safety. Most people crossing illegally are not asylum seekers.

I know what you're saying, there's plenty of homeless people in every city and most people aren't going to take them in and ignore them, or even push policy to help them. There's a lot of hypocrisy to go around.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Ryannnnnn yep exactly
TexChik · F

Nope ! Not at all!!
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@TexChik exactly. It seems as though most people only side with illegal immigration now as a attempt to stand against trump, because they certainly didn't care this much when Obama was doing it
TexChik · F
@PlumBerries Obama was known as the deporter-n-chief . It’s the globalist / socialist agenda to destroy the United States
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
yeah I heard he was known as that.
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
I don’t support “illegal” immigration in any way, shape, or form! So there’s plenty of room here if you are traveling and need to sleep over. 😏
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@PlumBerries don’t be silly! I’ll do that for you.... ;)

PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@JavaJoe lol thank you :)
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@PlumBerries you’re quite welcome. 😉

Let me know if you can sing the high parts. 👍🏻
I want to know if they think the same rights they are advocating for should be afforded to us. Should we be allowed to illegally enter a country and receive citizenship? Do we get to call that country racist and xenophobic if they deport us? Do we get to vote in their elections?
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Native of course not
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
I'd let them live with me, sure. I can cook some damn fine Mexican food, it'll be just like home. 😌

Also, crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor. Do people get put in detention centers for jaywalking? :?
@UndeadPrivateer yay mexican food
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@SW-User It's like the fucking best for quick and easy summery sorts of food, plus it caters to my love for spicy food. Extra plus there's some damn fine desserts too.
I support making legal immigration a lot easier and less of a hassle.
@SW-User Yes, we've been racist to those who already lived here. But we're not the ones planting ideas, if you are from... And you can watch Trump stir the pot, it's sick.
@SW-User Racism against the native population is still very much alive in Canada, to our disgrace, but I was talking about immigration law
@SW-User Which in a funny way, and thus I'm one of those very PC people spoken about here, how we have dealt with native populations is appropriation and if we really cared of how that society felt we would ask if they wanted to emmigrate to land they already had.
Cierzo · M
Those supporting illegal immigrants should support those who mug them. Those who claim for open borders should leave their house door open.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Cierzo that's why I mentioned prisoners. it makes no sense to me
@Cierzo Ahh, no there is different approaches, but we don't leave it to the American adminstration to demontrate
Great post, People get their panties in a twist because they don't take the time to figure out what really going on.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@thedarkside thanks and yeah pretty much
JP1119 · 36-40, M
I don’t “support” illegal immigration, I don’t think hardly anybody does, except maybe the people/corporations that hire them for less than minimum wage. The question is what are we going to do about it. I’m not scared of them, so I’m in favor of doing something smart and humane. No, I don’t want them to live in my house, but building a wall or just deporting everyone is stupid.
@JP1119 It is - and calling a human seeking to better themselves is stupid.
Interesting question, at least asking something, it wasnt an illegal immigrant but an exchange student from the same country. One thing I can promise you they offered a different imprint on me, I was 13, and I liked that of them. I don't have big ideas, in distortion, what others are after is expressing themselves and happiness. If you are uncomfortable with accepting new cultures in your life, you have the perfect government.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
"war torn nation"

We were once a war torn nation (the civil war), so we built a better country with blood, sweat, and tears...

we didn't run away to another country and demand free handouts.

It's ironic really. People complain about the USA on a daily basis, claiming us to be a bunch of greedy, arrogant, immoral, warmongers... yet, there's no shortage of people trying to get into our country (much more so than any other country on Earth)

Maybe people should spend more effort on fixing their own country rather than slandering ours... 🤔
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@PlumBerries The vast majority of illegal immigrants to Oz, simply arrive on tourist visas and dissapear into various support networks many never even apply for any sort of immigration status. At one stage numbers arriving by air were around 95%.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@KiwiBird that is interesting, I didn't know that
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@AgapeLove I don't know if I agree with the amnesty part. I don't think people should get rewarded for breaking the law personally. I do agree with you on a way to make entering legally, easier if at all possible though
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
that's cool whatever you think and feel about it though. I do agree with you on a bit but I also acknowledge I am no expert in immigration so yeah just a opinion I have and I enjoy hearing others opinions on it, like yours :)
Cierzo · M
More than 150 answers to this question prove:
1- Immigration is a big concern for many people
2- Also many people feel they are not totally free to express their opinions in real life.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M

1) many people answer according to social fads (what's popular)
2) some of us answer with our own actual opinion (don't give a shit what others think)
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@hahaheheuhhaha money could be spent on helping actual citizens who need it like the homeless for example
It will have to snow in hell before I do agree to illegal immigration.
No I don't. There is a legal process for that.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
No I do not.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I'd let them live with me
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
you can stop them from living with you though. So you could still see the good in those who kidnap children and sell them into sexual slavery?
@PlumBerries I always see the good in people

Meaning I don't assume every mexican is a rapist and crap
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@SW-User weird that you mention Mexicans out of no where when I never mentioned anyone from any particular place
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MethDozer · M
Not at all. On the other hand I don't support dehumanizing them and calling for violence either.
MethDozer · M
@PlumBerries If your whole opposition to them is that " they are cockroaches who should be lynched when they cross" then fuck you too. Fuck you twice.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I don't think of anyone like that. I am firmly against some who are rapists, sex traffickers and so on though but I don't think of people as cockroaches to be exterminated
MethDozer · M
@PlumBerries Just sayin. Wasn't implying

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