I have mine connected through a USB A/B switch. When it's not in use, I just disconnect it. But, Big Brother is watching, anyway. No, you're not paranoid. Paranoia is an unreasonable fear. Your fear you're being watched, is NOT unreasonable.
@Elfintrog Yeah, but those hand signals are really more for you than for them. They really don't care. I think putting a piece of tape over the lens, is a great idea. Stuff like that give me a little more piece of mind. And I need all of that I can get.
@Elfintrog Yes, we absolutely are. And it doesn't even necessarily have to do with tech. We're losing privacy everywhere, and we have been for a long time. It's taken away a little bit at a time so we don't notice so much.
@Elfintrog that shit is why you should make all your facebook post friends only... for instance. So employers can't do research on you. don't make their research departments jobs easy.
No, I do that on all my electronics. I unplug the Alexa speaker when I'm not using it too.
I have a band aid over the top of my camera, I do t trust tech companies with their ability to spy on us. What if I wanted to read the daily news on my MacBook while doing a shit and end up spied on? Fuck that lol.
if you're a chica i'd actually rec because I've been hit by some assholes webcam spy before but it's real obvious because the light just comes on. only the state knows how to enable without the light coming on.
@Elfintrog did you see the black mirror episode? I did.... I on't think my camera is ever angled downward far enough for people to see if I'm getting off to something even if they hack my shit. problem is those guys were pedo creepers in black mirror so they had something worth hiding while it's not exactly a dark secret that I like to watch porn... .of legal age consenting adults.