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kutee · 22-25
yes, becasue they have been tried and tested and work
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard And to add to what you say, today there are House husbands who take care of the home and kids while the wife goes out and "earns the bacon" too.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard I wonder if anyone else has noticed that this person who is arguing in favor of strict gender roles is a bisexual transsexual, doesn't even live in the countries he mentioned, and doesn't even give an age for himself when implying that age has a factor in the answers they've been giving...🤔
@indyjoe I just noticed that and found it very ironic. Only in a society where gender roles are fluid do transpeople (or LGBTQ) have any hope of inclusion. Traditional cultures tend to only accept people as the gender of their births with heterosexuality the only “norm”.

KimmyB · 41-45, F
It's alright to follow them if you choose to. I mean, I'm a stay at home mom and I homeschool my kids, so I'm on a fairly traditional path. But nobody should feel forced to do something simply due to gender. It should always be a choice
KimmyB · 41-45, F
@SW-User I like being a stay at home mom. But if the situation were different, I would have no problem with my husband being the one to stay at home. It's just that I like it more than him, he enjoys his work, and he made significantly more money than I did. But our scheduel works out great
@KimmyB yeah, pretty much the same here. I'd never make as much as he does now, so it makes more sense for me to be home.
KimmyB · 41-45, F
I like the idea of stay at home parents in general, be it the mom or dad. It seems like a better option than daycare. It's a shame it's generally not possible given the economey. My situation is fortunate enough to allow me to
I believe in people's right to choose what works for them.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Everyone society has gender roles and that's ... whatever. Just how things are, maybe there's some post-gender world but I don't care about that.

What I don't agree with is forcing people into them and persecuting those who do not conform.
MethDozer · M
@CountScrofula This👆️
TexChik · F
The that two biology demonstrates ? Absolutely !
No, because not all “traditions” suit everyone, and many are restrictive and discriminatory.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
I believe in freedom.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Only if they are mutually agreed upon by the couple in a relationship/marriage and not dictated or mandated.
@indyjoe Yes
Pherick · 41-45, M
As the weird slang goes, "You do you".

None of my business, and it isn't anyone else's either.
LadyGrace · 70-79
I believe individuals should be free to define their own happiness and then free to pursue that as long as it doesn’t impede someone else’s ability to do the same.
chrisCA · M
That is up to the couple to decide, and should be of mutual consent.
Besides, who decides on what is traditional?
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Yes in terms of biology in that we have slightly differing temperments so on average we tend to be better equipped or more interested in some things than the other. More so in terms of science and parenting/family dynamics.

But no in terms of something being expected or HAVING to conform to what history/culture states is mandatory. Though in the west we don't really do that from what i've seen.
I believe it is up the individual person to decide that
When I was a little girl back in the 80's, they were pretty common where I lived. Some families such as mine though had both parents working to better to support themselves. As the 90's rolled around, that started to become more and more common.
Jessmari · 46-50
No. It's too simplistic and draconic to suit me.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
No because there's enough made up disorders so if people want to pretend they're different genders then let them. Because otherwise it's another made up disorder.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@KaiserSolze Uhm...okay (I think)….
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
We are all free to do what ever we want. Don't believe in any conformity like that.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
What are traditional gender roles for people below the middle class? I want to know why this grievance exists.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
A mom that must stay home because it's impossible to pay for day care for a few kids is less tradition and more of an economic imperative. Unless the dad has cash flowing like the Mississippi.

My own case (and my father's) we worked multiple jobs. Is this traditional? Not now not ever. Some have it better others had it worse. Some moms like mine had summer through fall projects that saved on family expenses. Rummage sales gardening and canning, etc.. was this traditional? I d don't even know what's traditional far as mom was bringing the babies up. I've seen many ways.

You wouldn't have thought my father cooked by looking at him and I've rarely said so but he did.

I did si much wash and dishes I begged to learn cooking to get out of some of it. Is that traditional?

Those children, me, ours, and dad, had mom very busy doing daily laundry and meal, cleaning up after smaller ones until kids are self reliant enough for mom to go for part time and get dad out of tax hell.

Ignore if you must but I haven't even brought up kids contribution to family survival. No snobs will get this but I would only guess that this isn't traditional either.
Pfuzylogic · M
It depends on who is earning the money.
More specificity is required. Which ones?
I used too, like me being the provider. Now, I don't.
kutee · 22-25
im amazed at the posts, they are so idealistic, how old are these people
I believe in the right of individuals to choose traditional gender roles, if they do so of their own volition, without having to face harassment from those who disapprove. Equally, I believe that your gender need only define you as far as your biology dictates. Beyond that you can do whatever the hell you want.
Magenta · F
In my world, yes.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Of course.
Tracos · 51-55, M
5llowance · 22-25, M
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
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