Argument only happens when one side has some sort of superior complex over the other or “I’m better” or “I’m the only one who’s correct” attitude. In that case, you can never have an intelligent conversation because that attitude is usually prevalent among people with lower intelligence and lower reasoning abilities. They just want to shut you up with their otherwise self-proclaimed superiority. It’s strange that they firmly believe in it too. They are the people who usually delete answers on SW when they don’t agree with them or call you names and then block you. Do you think you would apologize to such people? I wouldn’t. If it’s my fault and I have hurt someone I unintentionally, then I would.
When it’s a civilized discussion, it’s about “let’s explore it together” attitude. That kind of talks never requires any aplology from any side.
When it’s a civilized discussion, it’s about “let’s explore it together” attitude. That kind of talks never requires any aplology from any side.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
To everyone by my child's narcissist father. It took years for me to train myself not to feed into him blaming me for everything he perceives as wrong in his life.
I won't apologize to someone for something I'm not sorry about, but will own my words or actions and acknowledge if they were hurtful.
I won't apologize to someone for something I'm not sorry about, but will own my words or actions and acknowledge if they were hurtful.
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
the only way to end an argument with my husband is for me to apologize.
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TwiddlerofThumbs · F
@SW-User Most absolutely it does.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@TwiddlerofThumbs same with my abuser, who would NEVER apologize even if he acknowledged his actions were wrong, mean, abusive. He just wasn't ever sorry.
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
I’m sorry you know what it’s like. @Starcrossed
Effloresce · 26-30, F
I grew up in a family where no one apologized for anything and instead acted passively until things smoothed over in time.
Dusty101 · F
I've never laughed off an argument!
I do say sorry deffo..
But it's usually only with my hb.
I do not get into arguments with anyone else!
I do say sorry deffo..
But it's usually only with my hb.
I do not get into arguments with anyone else!
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PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
@RodneyTrotter Hehehe, clever man then! 🤭
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Depends on whether I'm sorry.

If it’s my fault and truly owe them an apology, I gladly do.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
“I’m sorry We quarreled ...”

PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
hell no. i’m the worst for that