BlueVeins · 22-25
It certainly exists, but it's not always correct.
Oddly enough it's real and quantifiable.
It exists and I would be much happier if had followed it more often. Just hindsight but true.
Thanks for the ❤️!
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
Oh yes, it exists some people are just more sensitive to picking up on it.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Yes, it know it does. I've experienced it, and I've ignored it, much to my regret.
Anonymouslyyours86 · 36-40, F
Yes don’t ignore it, it’s there for a reason .
Gusman · 61-69, M
I think intuition comes from past experiences.
Also there may be an element of fear of the unknown that may get the butterflies flapping in our gut.
Safer to steer away from possible negativity.
Positive intuition? The desire to have new, safe, experiences drives many people.
Also there may be an element of fear of the unknown that may get the butterflies flapping in our gut.
Safer to steer away from possible negativity.
Positive intuition? The desire to have new, safe, experiences drives many people.
Aidan · 26-30, F
It definitely does
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
There is something to be proud of in your knowing up coming events
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
It definitely exists....but it isn’t always accurate.
It exists but it's often wrong.
Gingerbreadspice · F
Course it exists.
Really exists
soulsrespite · F
it exists. animals live by it
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
Called listening to your gut
IHateMyLife0MeDie · 46-50, M
Yes. But people also have different concepts of it, and can be seen as consisting of several types.