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How many narcissists do you know? Do they impact on your daily life?

I have very personal reasons for asking this but I've lived with it all my life and I still pander to them. *sigh
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Starcrossed · 41-45, F
A few. I'm divorcing one. Impact is daily.
Zoranna · F
@Starcrossed It is. Thank you for understanding though. Hope you do well.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
That I'm aware of? I think two, at the moment. There were two or three others who used to be in my life but aren't anymore. So that would bring the total to five, if you count all the narcissists who have impacted my life (who I knew were narcissists).

Yes, the two I currently know do impact my life, unfortunately. One of them I'm not able to get away from, at the moment. I need to save up enough money to get my own place, and then we'll see.

Part of the problem is that they really know how to make themselves look good and make it seem like you're the problem. Heck, they've even had me feeling as though I was the problem. It can really mess with a person's head, and it can also mess up your relationships with other people, even people you felt close to in the past.

I hope you're able to get free of them. It's terrible, the damage they can do.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TeresaRudolph71 It’s peaceful when they are no longer near. Not only because of the damage they do but they constantly find a way to get under the skin, it is stressful.
Zoranna · F
@TeresaRudolph71 How awful for you. :-( My situation is not as bad as yours but you definitely have my sypathies.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Zoranna Thank you.
Peaches · F
My ex was one, I discovered what that word meant because of him years ago.👎🏼It was horrible being with him and I was so glad to get away! Social media websites seem to be a breeding ground for them, there are so many here.
Zoranna · F
@Peaches So sorry I missed this until now. 😔 That would have been awful, well done for getting away and not putting up with it any longer. You are SO right about them being a breeding ground for them! I've noticed quite a few here too. *sigh
Both of my parents were/are narcissists. As an adult I finally had the power to distance myself. In my experience the only way to deal with narcissists is not to play into their games. Once I separated myself I saw just how detrimental they were in my life. Now I live my life peacefully. It wasn't just being aware of them, before I had kids I had to get long term help so I didn't become like my parents to my own children. I definitely have the narcissist tendencies, I've had to work really hard on it. Being aware of it has helped immensely.
Zoranna · F
@dragonfly46 How awful for you. I've often wondered if I did too but I don't, I definitely don't. I've got to face it again tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I'm the eldest so it's so it's all up to me apparently. Wow. I can do this though. Thanks for understanding.
@Zoranna Yes, you can. Be strong. Your very welcome.
Bitabyss · 56-60, M
I know two for certain and at least one I suspect. I don't talk to any of them.
Zoranna · F
@Bitabyss Yep, family. *sigh
Bitabyss · 56-60, M
@Zoranna My partner has an NPD mother and a BPD elder sister, so she can definitely relate. She recently went no contact with both of them and it's been hard, even though it was necessary.
Zoranna · F
@Bitabyss Understandably hard, I feel for her. 😔
RemovedUsername329422 · 56-60, M
Well, the one that I know for sure just ripped my heart out with a divorce. So?? At least one.
Zoranna · F
@RemovedUsername329422 I am so sorry you're suffering so much. Hope time will ease your pain. {{Hugs}}
RemovedUsername329422 · 56-60, M
@Zoranna: Thanks. I hate being alone. The thing that I miss most is sleeping with someone. And when I mean “sleeping with” someone, I actually mean SLEEPING with someone. Having someone THERE with you throughout the night. Hopefully, one day??
Zoranna · F
@RemovedUsername329422 I can understand that. You'll meet someone else, of that I'm sure. For now take the time to heal but don't isolate yourself. Force yourself, if necessary, to go out with friends or even go out by yourself to a movie or cafe for a coffee. It will get better. Take care.
One in particular that messes with my life a bit too much...even if it is in indirect ways.
Zoranna · F
@SW-User That's the way they operate: directly or indirectly. It gets me down!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Two now and I don’t have anything to do with either one.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
In the world I live in, I have to deal with narcissists on a daily basis.
Zoranna · F
@midnightsun Every day? One or two maybe but I don't think they can all be surely.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
@Zoranna regular basis. Haha

Not daily
Zoranna · F
@midnightsun That's a relief, for you. I have to live with this daily and no, it's not a partner it's a very close relative though. *sigh
walabby · M
My MIL... :(
Zoranna · F
@walabby Oh dear, how unfortunate for you. Hugs.
Magenta · F
Probably more than I realize, especially if this belief by the Psychology/Science world is true..."Narcissism is increasing in modern Western societies and this has been referred to as a “narcissism epidemic”"
Zoranna · F
@Magenta That's interesting, a "narcissism epidemic". Help us all, sheesh.
Plenty that’s why I left fake book.

And they are still going on about themselves since 2007
Zoranna · F
@SW-User I never liked it but still get a couple of reminders each year about some friends birthdays. As if I needed a reminder. I tried to delete my account without success so I've given up. Two reminders a year I can handle. :-)
Oh yes definitely.

Trying to leave that place is a nightmare I had to email 📧 but worth it when I realised I was finally freed from it all 😌✌🏻@Zoranna
A couple and they make my life a living hell
Zoranna · F
@ProdigalSummer You have my sympathies. I only have one but it's more than enough at the moment.
About two , one committed suicide. My homeless friends husband is one even though I never met him. I’ve had online friends with three they told me about
Zoranna · F
@SW-User They're hard work, believe me I know. I'm sorry about your friend's situation.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
DiDZ ur Lawyerz sayz U neeDz to CaLLZ hIMz a Narcisstix to GetZ MoreZ MonEYZ OuTZ hImz?
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@Phire1 thanKz U anDZ U WeLCUMeZ HuneYz
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@DonaldTrumpet You're done here. Buh bye
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@DonaldTrumpet suMZ WimenZ JuSTz GoTZ no ScenTz Of Humorz
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
WimENZ caLLZ meNZ narcisstiX WheNZ MeNZ DonTz CarEZ abouT de WimENZ

WimENZ JUsTZ trying to CUNtrOLz menZ

MenZ DonTz be StoopiDZ, neavZ believZ WimENZ
Breeze60 · 61-69, M
One is a member of my family, and she has basically been holding our parents hostage emotionally. 😔
@walabby I’m finding that’s so. Every family seems to have at least one. 😒
@Zoranna Yes, and it doesn’t get better, unfortunately.
Zoranna · F
@bijouxbroussard I know that only too well. *sigh That's why I keep on pandering, they're not going to change and it's easier for me doing that. I'm fortunate in that I don't have it nearly as bad as most going by the replies on here.
xixgun · M
Any more, none.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Narcissists are cute
Zoranna · F
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Hmmm. Cute. @Zoranna
Phire1 · 51-55, F
@DownTheStreet No, that's not "cute" at all. Don't know why you said that to her
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
WimENZ is SelFz LoveRz, BuUTZ haZ liL seLf esteaMZ
Zonuss · 46-50, M
I know many. Living here at the beach you get used to fakes and frauds. So I just maintain and is always myself. But in todays world it is all 🙂
I have a sibling I strongly suspect based upon behavior. We keep our distance. And I’ve worked for a few throughout my career. Very challenging.
Zoranna · F
@bijouxbroussard You've no idea how big my challenge is. *sigh
Phire1 · 51-55, F
I've known a few. Horrible shit.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
My gf's parents are both textbook narcissists, and my exfiance was somewhere on the spectrum(she is OUT of the picture). Gf's folks are loathsome, contemptible individuals who, like narcissists do, want everyone to be as unhappy as them. Thankfully, I'm hip to their bullshit, but I feel worst for my gf.

It's not a coincidence that there are parallels between narcs/sociopaths/psychopaths.

I run from certain people. Narcs are one. Borderlines are another.
Zoranna · F
@uncalled4 Thanks for that. I'm glad it's on my post so I can refer back to it easily. Cheers.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Zoranna It's called Surviving Narcissism
Zoranna · F
@uncalled4 Thank you, I'll check it out.

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