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Is there life after death?

Is there a soul? Apparently there is evidence of a soul. There are many cases where patients being operated on and was flat lined (meaning that the hart had stopped and was clinically dead) has left their bodies and was viewing the operation being taken place on their own bodies from above. They saw everything and heard everything and it was verified by the doctors and nurses. Many has claimed to have met deceased relatives and even met with God before returning to their bodies. Is this proof of an afterlife? What do you think?
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Doomflower · 41-45, M
I am a nurse. My sister is a mortician. Neither of us believe in ghosts or souls.

A flat line doesn't equal brain death. Death is a process.

Interesting chemical dumps occur when the body is preparing to die. For example you might see things that aren't there. A good example is dying patients I have cared for seeing totally random shit.

As for their accurate reports of activity in the room with them I also interpret this as a dying brain. Hearing is the last sense to go.

TL;DR: It is proof of an afterlife if you really want to believe that there is an afterlife. If you're like me and don't believe that a consciousness exists without some form of functioning brain you're more likely to interpret these things as products of a brain that went through at least part of the dying process.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@Doomflower Thanks.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Some operating theatres have put written words on paper above high objects in the operating room. So far no patient who claims to have left their body has identified what these signs say.
Having said that I do believe in an astral body but not an eternal soul. Nothing is eternal.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@Entwistle I see.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I don't think there is
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@Sharon Clinically dead don't mean actually dead. This is not proof of an afterlife. The fact that a blind person can see their bodies from above when their hart has stopped and was (clinically dead) not actual death, is pretty astonishing. I am skeptical just like everyone else but how can we explain that?
Sharon · F
@infiniterealism What do you mean by "clinically dead"? Anything short of actual death is not death.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@Sharon you are right. Clinically dead basically means that there is no brain activity and the hart has stopped. It's not actual death. Actual death means that you don't come back lol.
'Projection of consciousness' is still practised today by many. It is only related to soul essence by octaves of vibrations. Although, the octaves of vibrations associated with the projection of consciousness can be measured in their lower octaves the vibrations of 'soul essence' cannot.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@EugenieLaBorgia Interesting analysis.
@infiniterealism I only give clues.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@EugenieLaBorgia So we have to figure it out?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Yes there is life after death.
@hippyjoe1955 How do you know that?
I read about the research made on the subject. It does appear they have evidence to somehow support this claim.
@infiniterealism what evidence?
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@SW-User There is no conclusive evidence.
@infiniterealism no worries
msros · F
Am dying to know.
JustinOnTheRoad · 31-35, M
Oh yes. The soul lives forever in one of two places. Guaranteed.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@JustinOnTheRoad One of two place? What are the two places?
JustinOnTheRoad · 31-35, M
In the presence of God for eternity and in paradise, or in darkness and fire of hell for eternity. 🤷‍♂️@infiniterealism
It wasn’t my experience, personally, when my heart stopped. But I can only speak for myself.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard Well, I’m glad you’re still here.
infiniterealism · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard You are welcome.
@DragonFruit Thanks. 🤗
stupid question. Atheis will say no, Religious will say yes. This is provocative question

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