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Does anyone come here for anything real?

Or is just for the sake of asking dumb shit you wouldn’t want anyone who knows you to associate you with ? Like ep was actually kind of cool but this is whacked out. Take down all the fake ass avatars and put up a real picture of yourself and if you wouldn’t want to associate something with your identity then don’t say it or engage in it! Fakeness is not healthy and shouldn’t be encouraged. So stop it!
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Theliberal · 36-40, M
Or you could take your ass to facebook.🤷‍♂️ this place is to be anonymous.
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Dusty101 · F
being · 36-40, F
@Theliberal well said
Isthisit · F
EP was great and i miss it. This place is very different in comparison. kind of hard to get to know people -because of what your talking about here
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
This was refreshing. I’m not perfect and I’ve messed up a lot but geez idk I guess I just got overwhelmed by it@Isthisit
Isthisit · F
@Heysmellthis I understand what your talking about- personally im all real on here- havent made anything up- my pics are real too. I get annnoyed by too much fakery as well.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Yeah I mean I know it’s my problem I juts got disappointed and frustrated didn’t mean to come off as judgemental @Isthisit
Dusty101 · F
I think this can be a site for the anonymous!
Which I totally respect.
As long as they're cool.. funny.. kind and caring I don't give a flying fiddlers if I'm chatting with a human who wants to be Tom one day and Tammy the next..
If they're a fecking cyclop from Looney toon land I don't care as long as they are just cool!
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
This picture is really me but I am here for entertainment. I live in the real world.
roarke · 61-69, M
heh, what's it like these days in the real world??? @Keepitsimple
JammieDodgerHeart · 26-30, F
I'm very real. I may have a bear as my picture and I might be named after a delicious jammie cookie but what I say comes from a very real place. I am happy to share pictures and things about me and do with people I've connected with. I am just more comfortable getting to know someone a bit more before I do because it can be quite an anxiety inducing thing for me to overshare with people I don't know or don't care about me
caccoon · 36-40
Or, if you don't like the way the site is, you could just leave.

Because "POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF ON AN ANONYMOUS WEBSITE" just doesn't make sense. It's something people do by choice.
kodiac · 22-25, M
I'm not here to have people comment on my pic ,that seems pretty fake to me to only be here for any attention u can get.
Miram · 31-35, F
We're more than our faces.

The way I see it, most here are real and their real is ugly. 😶

Some are beautiful.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Yeah as in not to be intrusive or allow intrusion like fb and ig but not for the sake of avoiding real connections not to encourage smut that’s what caused ep to go down and if we get rid of that scary ass mindset connections will thrive and people will actually be a help to one another here shoot my life’s ain’t pretty I’ve messed up and am willing to share it because it may help someone else and it may help me but, this scary “let’s circle jerk” style is whacked and gangsters don’t hide a real gangster just said so @Gangstress
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Heysmellthis you're not making much sense
I’m looking for genuine friendships I’ve left and came back so many times as I never seem to find what I’m looking for and there is too many bullies and fakes on here too
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
I'm not comfortable showing my face for everyone to see on the internet, but what I share is real. Actually, I feel that I can connect in a more meaningful way without showing my face, because sometimes people in real life jump to conclusions about me, based on my appearance. Here, that doesn't get in the way, and people can just focus on what I have to say. It might seem odd, but my friends on here actually know me better than most people I know in real life.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Look I’m sorry I was upset about things and frustrated with my expectations not y’all so excuse me please have a good night @TeresaRudolph71
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Heysmellthis That's okay, I understand. It can get frustrating around here, especially when people turn out to be something other than what they appear to be.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I happen to be very real and I do not do or say anything I am ashamed of...I just prefer to remain anonymous. I f you don't like that then you can move on.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I like real.
There are lots of real people here....
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
Well said 👍️
Fernie · F
You could not possibly be more of an obnoxious ignoramus. ANONYMITY!!! It's what the internet is ALL about. How about you take your whiny ass and judgMENTAL crap and go find a nice little social site that will suit your asinine needs...we sure don't need you here.
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
@Fernie Eeeeeeevening Fernie ✌️
roarke · 61-69, M
um.... technically, no one is "anonymous" your computer leaves an ID signature... just saying. @Fernie
😂 🤖✨

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