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What is the one thing that people always get wrong about you?

crownedwithlaurel97 · 26-30, F Best Comment
that just because im a lesbian means i haven't found the right man yet🤦‍♀️ im looking at you, mother
TexChik · F
@crownedwithlaurel97 Oh, that's a good one
@crownedwithlaurel97 I have an aunt that is a lesbian and my mom calls her wife “her special friend”.

Platoscave · F
I care about this stuff and no one bonds with me because of it, and they don't get it "wrong", they just don't wanna get it, it seems:
Here's the stuff:

What It's Like Inside a Border Patrol Facility Where Families ...
Ad Policy. T he dog kennel: That's how the Border Patrol processing facility in McAllen is known, because of the chain-link fencing penning more than a thousand migrants inside. The 77,000 ...
Q&A on Border Detention of Children -
Pena added that the young boy in the photograph, the son of a friend, had wandered into the cage where older children were demonstrating and became upset when he saw his mother on the other side ...
Jeff Merkley's claims about immigrant children in 'cages ...
Jun 06, 2018 · "When my team called [to request access to a shelter for immigrant children in Brownsville, Tex.], they were told it's the policy not to admit anyone into these centers and we would not be ...
Children separated from parents at US border held in cages in ...
Jun 18, 2018 · More than 1,100 people were inside the large, dark facility that's divided into separate wings for unaccompanied children, adults on their own, and mothers and fathers with children. The cages in ...
Inside the McAllen Border Patrol Processing Center Where ...
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the new policy in early May, and over the next six weeks, 2,000 children were separated from their parents. And at this moment, more families are separated ...
Abusive Conditions for Women and Children in US Immigration ...
Summary United States immigration authorities routinely detain men, women, and children, including infants, in frigid holding cells, sometimes for days, when they are taken into custody at or near ...
Rep. Pramila Jayapal—'They Could Hear Their Children ...
Ad Policy. Only one member of Congress has been able to talk to the mothers who have had their children taken from them: Washington state Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who got into a federal Bureau of ...

Is This a Photograph of a Children's Concentration Camp in ...
And when they were apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, they were shipped to Nogales from overwhelmed processing facilities in Texas. But they are still children in cages, not ...
Separated immigrant children are all over the U.S. now, far ...
Jun 24, 2018 · Their mothers are missing, their fathers far away. ... Parents were put in one cell, children in another. ... known as the "dog kennel" for its rooms made of chain-link fencing, children slept ...
Guantanamo detainees can't get enough 'Fifty Shades of Grey ...
Fifty Shades of Grey, the salacious best-selling E. L. James novel often referred to as "Mommy Porn," is the most popular reading material among Guantanamo detainees in the secretive Camp ...
FACT CHECK: Does This Image Show a Toddler in a Cage Detained ...
Fact Check; Fauxtography; Does This Image Show a Toddler in a Cage Detained by ICE in 2018? A heart-rending photograph of a crying child in a cage has been widely shared, but it was part of a ... - The "Hieleras": A Report On Human & Civil ...
The next day, Clara noticed her sister being escorted somewhere by CBP officers who would not tell Clara where they were taking her. Clara felt pressured into signing an order for expedited removal, which she could not comprehend since it was written in English and was not translated. "Get in the dog kennel."
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@Platoscave I support your view
Platoscave · F
@Hanging2 I say we are all in the dog kennel.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I do this thing where if i'm in a group i tend to stay quiet.
Not for any reason other than either A.I have nothing to add to what's already being said. Or B I'm too interested in what other contributors are saying.

Yet somehow that always gets misconstrued or mis-interpreted as me being 'judgemental'. Especially by some who are a bit sensitive on certain issues.

like: It bothers them, how dare it not bother me !
@Picklebobble2 I am a chatty person. I have a lot to contribute as well.

Also I process thought by talking about them and discussing ideas so I enjoy the discussion
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@InOtterWords Fairplay. 🙂
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A lot of people think I'm shy. I'm most defiantly not. I just don't have a lot to say when all everyone does it talk negatively about other people.
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@lauriethecolourful Sounds like you need a new friendship group
@Hanging2 I don't have any friends whereI currently live. 😂
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@lauriethecolourful What hobbies or interests do you have? Join a community group and meet people that way. I did that when I moved into a new area and met lots of new people but more importantly a few friends
Good luck and take care
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
My resting facial feature always causes people to ask “why are you mad".
@11knaves11 😁😁
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@11knaves11 my wife thinks she has a resting bitch face. So I know what you mean
How to say my freaking name. It's not Lisa. It's Melissa without the Me.
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@SW-User that would piss me off too
TexChik · F
That because I dress nice , act feminine, smile a lot and try to be nice to everyone ... that I’m a push over and will put up with a lot of crap ( professionally speaking) . Big mistake . 😉
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@TexChik lol. Knowing how you are here.... it is a big mistake!lol
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
They mistake my patience for tolerance. Then they act surprised when I've had enough and lash out 💁‍♀️
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@Summerbreeze45 perhaps they cannot read you? But I understand where you are coming from
Platoscave · F
@Summerbreeze45 Great answer, reminds me I was and still am like that.
Platoscave · F
Lot of east coast US people I deal with for work assume because I'm a mid-western country boy, and a big guy, that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. Bites a lot of them in their arrogant @$$e$.
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@Stillwaiting Lol. Never judge a book by its cover
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@Stillwaiting hey hey easy, easy coast here lol
@Summerbreeze45 Lol .. said a lot, not all. ;-)
They think I'm a scary cunt
Nakedhockey · 51-55, M
A lot of people think I don't like them because I'm quiet and if I don't have anything to say I don't talk. I've also had people I've reconnected with on social media tell me if didn't know you I would not want to run into you in a dark alley
People always take me way too seriously because I sarcasm without a smile.
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@SW-User Ohh the non smiling assassin
That I don't take responsability. I fkng hate it when I am accuesed of that.
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@SW-User t can be a cheap shot that line
that because I flirt, I'm a slut
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@saragoodtimes I flirt with both sexes. Flirting is about making the other person happy
Oblivion · 22-25, M
My age. They think I'm a child. lol
@Oblivion metoo
My age.i hope god grants me bigger breasts .
Lostpoet · M
I'm really not that dumb.
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@Lostpoet no you definitely are not.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
They always think I live an unhealthy lifestyle because I'm overweight. 🙄
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@DearAmbellina2113 I get that too. Until we get on the rowing machine and I kick their butts!
Don't listen to them because I think you are a babe both inside and out.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Does it matter.. Those that know ... Know
plywood · T
I’m always board...😂
In rl, that because I’m quiet and appear calm that I won’t speak up when necessary.
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Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@sspec Good night darling. I am off to the world of slumber
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