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RubySoo · 56-60, F
Who knows.
Success is happiness....or.... happiness is success...depends hiw you look at it.
Sone people would find number 1 dull and others...its bliss
Success is happiness....or.... happiness is success...depends hiw you look at it.
Sone people would find number 1 dull and others...its bliss
kayoshin · 41-45, M
Now with hindsight I would take number1. What people don't tell you is that millions make the necessary hard steps for succes but there just isn't that much succes to go around for everyone, it's just a carrot on a stick.
@kayoshin that's true, but I tried and failed at 1. So I'm going to try and probably fail at 2
kayoshin · 41-45, M
Well, trying is a good idea, just don't get unrealistic expectations. People who tell you all it takes is hard work and really wanting it are either people who made it and feed off their own ego or people who make money from selling the carrot on the stick.
Real life works best with balance so don't try to force 1 or 2 too much unless you really see a goal in immediate reach.
Real life works best with balance so don't try to force 1 or 2 too much unless you really see a goal in immediate reach.
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@SW-User I had a feeling someone was going to say that.
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I always appreciate the simple things in life.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I lean more toward #1...though there has always been a touch of 2.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Just keep it simple simon😊