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I remember but I don't think about it 'cause it has no worth now
ProdigalSummer · F
I don't have time or energy for grudges
Faust76 · 46-50, M
Totally "nah man let that shit go", but your story is QUITE different, understandable.
Not to say there haven't been a lot of people who have really messed me up.

NaturallyPeculiar · 26-30, F
@Faust76 I mean I've had a lot of people do some messed up things to me and those things I remember but I let it go because I don't want all the negativity. The only reasons I don't let this one thing go is because how the situation was handled/the reasons why I was assaulted, the fact that this guy now as an adult was been violent towards so many people, and my annoyance that his parents always just throw money at people and act like nothing's wrong as if that makes it better.
Nah man let that sh#t go..