RumorHasIt · F
My son is on the spectrum.. he is an amazing person and I wouldn’t change him at all.
PrivateHell · M
My son is autistic, and the most valuable, precious thing in my world.
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PrivateHell · M
@Summerbreeze45 I try.
RumorHasIt · F
My son is 20 and it does get easier..the early teens can be pretty brutal @Summerbreeze45
Summerbreeze45 · 51-55, F
@RumorHasIt thank you. I'm hoping all the services we have in place now will have a positive impact later on
Fallflower · 46-50, F
I could only know what I think about people on a case by case basis.

They aren’t much different from us apart from having autism, they are people like the rest of us and they deserve the same respect and rights as everyone else. There’s nothing wrong with them and they can make great Freinds.
I love creative people.
K9security · 31-35, M
@JustGoneNow there are very creative
@K9security And different kinds. Lots of different artistic people too.
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K9security · 31-35, M
@waleskinder yes autistic in general

K9security · 31-35, M
@SW-User just asking
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
I have had a bit to do with them. Most are among the happiest people I've ever met.
MethDozer · M
They're weird just like the rest of us. It's cool