It's like surfing. If you try and control the wave it will overwhelm you. You just have keep your head above water and ride it out.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
You think of the 18 year olds who stormed Normandy and Omaha Beaches and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Their hope for a life died that day, your hope still lives. Your young, your age is the epitome of hope.
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therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@cultofaction correction, they gave their lives so you would have the opportunity to live free. if people choose to become consumed by a leftist indoctrination screen then the opportunity lessens every day.
until people are able to wake up and throw away the culture of convenience and 24/7 surveillance, freedom is not possible.
convincing a bunch of willful ignorant drones to actually do the right thing is hard, that's why tyrannies thrives. human beings love to get comfortable and are hard to rouse when things get out of control.
hence the frog boiling in the pot i guess....
until people are able to wake up and throw away the culture of convenience and 24/7 surveillance, freedom is not possible.
convincing a bunch of willful ignorant drones to actually do the right thing is hard, that's why tyrannies thrives. human beings love to get comfortable and are hard to rouse when things get out of control.
hence the frog boiling in the pot i guess....
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@therighttothink50 I think that you fundamentally misunderstand WW2
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@cultofaction Not really, young men went off to a foreign land to stop a maniacal fascism that was sweeping the globe. Many died and gave their lives for their country fighting on the side of freedom. To dishonor these men is to spit upon their graves.
I gather you are locked into some kind of philosophical argument about why there was that war, what was the purpose of that war and what were the underpinnings of America's involvement.
All that is fine to ponder but if you don't realize what the soldiers and families went through back then, you will never get it.
Life is complicated, yet life is very simple. Honor those soldiers, they deserve that honor for their sacrifice. A sacrifice many today can't really begin to comprehend. Mainly because many people of today don't know the meaning of sacrifice, for they are lost existing in a world consumed by convenience and vapidness.
How could anybody today even fathom what it was to live like back then ? When for years Americans were dying and making real sacrifices every single day, many today are just unable to grasp the magnitude of that time. Nobody today can fully understand. Just take a walk through a cemetery one day and look at those grave stones. Those people lived different lives, lives that deserve the utmost respect.
What will be today's generation legacy? Taking endless photos of themselves and having every comfort imaginable yet going through life with sarcasm and narcissism, unable to take the time to appreciate those who gave their lives for their country. It's about respect man, basic respect, something this generation has not one clue about.
I gather you are locked into some kind of philosophical argument about why there was that war, what was the purpose of that war and what were the underpinnings of America's involvement.
All that is fine to ponder but if you don't realize what the soldiers and families went through back then, you will never get it.
Life is complicated, yet life is very simple. Honor those soldiers, they deserve that honor for their sacrifice. A sacrifice many today can't really begin to comprehend. Mainly because many people of today don't know the meaning of sacrifice, for they are lost existing in a world consumed by convenience and vapidness.
How could anybody today even fathom what it was to live like back then ? When for years Americans were dying and making real sacrifices every single day, many today are just unable to grasp the magnitude of that time. Nobody today can fully understand. Just take a walk through a cemetery one day and look at those grave stones. Those people lived different lives, lives that deserve the utmost respect.
What will be today's generation legacy? Taking endless photos of themselves and having every comfort imaginable yet going through life with sarcasm and narcissism, unable to take the time to appreciate those who gave their lives for their country. It's about respect man, basic respect, something this generation has not one clue about.
Hopelessness parallizes us...
I always belidve in change..
Nothing stays the same... we shouldnt either.
I always belidve in change..
Nothing stays the same... we shouldnt either.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
I think meditation or a suitable form of spirituality is the only answer to that.
Alyce · 51-55, F
Like I do now with everything, I meditate ✨
.....but there is always hope
LikeTheSun · 22-25, F
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Poke the sonofabich in the eyeball

@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout with an ice pick!