If I felt some part of my personality we're a detriment to myself I'd work to change it, and have done so in the past, absolutely. Sometimes it's necessary. It's great to be all "just love yourself how you are." But what if "how you are" is a toxic or negative person, and it stops others from wanting to be around you? Do you blame them or fix that part of yourself and figure out why you're like that? Sometimes it's us and not everyone else tbh. :/
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Dusty101 · F
If I got taken down a peg or two and my personality was annoying others that was causing them stress and uneasiness then I'd seek some sort of help to change it!
I haven't been called aside yet to be taken down yet! 🙄🤔
I haven't been called aside yet to be taken down yet! 🙄🤔
midnightsun · 26-30, M
Unlike what people think personality is a fluid thing.
Yes we have a few permanent traits but that's it. Just a few.
Yes we have a few permanent traits but that's it. Just a few.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Well I'm working on my temper.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
I would leave my personality behind.
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
I'm cool how I am

I try improving the aspects that are harmful to me.
LyricalOne · F
I love my personality. I’m a badass bitch with a heart of gold.
madmax83 · 41-45, M
@LyricalOne fuck an a!
LyricalOne · F
@madmax83 😉
LyricalOne · F
@Allelse Always.