Platoscave · F
Drill down and get to know yourself. Then tweak whatever you can...about yourself. You are not the prisoner
NY3Lovely · 31-35, F
Let me know when you find the answer.

you fix your confidence
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Fat/ exercise. Ugly/ only go out at night..etc etc
There’s a will there’s a way.. ✌️
There’s a will there’s a way.. ✌️
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Mona86 · C
I exercised n sweated I wasn’t attractive for a while but I exercised and I’m a bit better not the best but. much better @RadiantRuby
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
End of the day ladies..
Anxiety low self esteem..
Ppl are generally wrapped up worrying about their own flaws then they care about anyone else..
Just be you 😎👍
Anxiety low self esteem..
Ppl are generally wrapped up worrying about their own flaws then they care about anyone else..
Just be you 😎👍
@Mona86 I'm sure your very beautiful sweetie, I'm glad you found what works for you
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
I just listen to music and succumb to it lol
Snap your finger! And say BAM! Self esteem appear oops forgot the rest of the spell
Ohh I forgot one, become friends with people who are uglier than you, and take pictures next to them. 😋😂 Easiest way to look good without the work!
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