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What was your biggest childhood fear?

Porcelain dolls. The dark.
My grandmothers fur coat hanging on the back of my bedroom door- one of my first few memories -- must have been about 2 years old.
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
Spiders and the dark...well...not the dark per say...just the things that "may" be in it D:
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
Lucky you didn't grow up here with all the spiders we
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
Ghostrider · 51-55, M
Being caught nude in public. And it came true when I lost my swimming trunks at the local pool....
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
Pet Cemetery made me think dead dogs were going to attack me at night.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
heights, being left alone and bugs
hunkalove · 61-69, M
My parents.
Maggimay · 46-50, F
The creepiest thing ever. Porcelain dolls.
Also, dolls in abandoned hospitals. That makes my skin crawl the most.
crystalkid · 56-60, T
Based on the nightmares I remember from back then....clowns
then I became one.
I was scared of everything as a kid, everything! I was such a wimp. My older sister used to take advantage of that and hide under my bed to scare me at night. She would grab my feet and lock me in closests! It was awful! 😖
Lol My older brother did stuff like that too. 😂
@CityHigh12: Older siblings can be so mean! It worked out when I outgrew her though. Now she's small, I would like to see her try something again! 😝
the girl from the ring
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specialED1256 · 56-60, M
Growing up lol
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
imnosaint · 31-35
my ex's daddy..! 😢
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when i was very little i didn't like sand in-between my toes and i use to wear wellingtons on the beach, so my mum and dad use to put me on a rug and take my wellies away so that they knew where i was.
reubles · 41-45, M
AdamSensation · 41-45, M
I disliked horror movies due to the nightmares they'd often produce. I still watched them at times though.
dead bodies, mannequins and statues but I grew to like em
"The Outer Limits"
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
The Exorcist. There's something just about the whole film. And, the more I learn about the film's production...I just get creeped out more and more.

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