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Veronique · 26-30, F
Sad that they have to pretend

BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Y'know, I gotta be honest, I actually don't think it's that bad a thing to do. I mean, sure it's dishonest, but if there was ever a place to pretend to be someone you're not, for whatever reason that might be, the internet is the place to do it. You can act like a different person of a different age or different gender or who lives in a different part of the world and nobody gets hurt by it.

Now, I feel differently if you use other people's photographs and claim them to be your own. That's kinda where I see the line being drawn. And of course if you try to get people to meet you in real life, well then that's just scummy.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@CrustyDDingus Was there anything she could do about the guy using her photos? I think it's a bit of a low act using someone else's photos as your own.
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
@Bushranger The only thing you can do is just expose them or let whatever site or platform they're on know the account is impersonating you. So Larry disappeared, although I did get an anonymous birthday wish from someone using an old Larry photo.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@CrustyDDingus At least he remembered you lol.
Peaceful · F
I'm not a fan. I get that they feel so shitty about themselves that they feel they need to, but hurting others is super shitty.
I also think it snowballs for them and they then get locked into the facade. :/
Tricky situation isn’t it! On the one hand it’s freaky as hell. Then perhaps they’re suffering deep mental issues. Strange situation @Peaceful
Idk how they have the energy/time to do it and I feel sorry for the victim this one time on MTV catfish the guy went to meet his “girl” who turned out to be a basement dweller with a beer belly 😂
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
@SW-User 😆
Sounds like an upgrade to me! 😏😂 @SW-User
1455spd · 31-35, M
I mean, I'm sure they think they have a good reason for doing it, but the thing I wonder most about is if they ever think about how the other person would feel. It seems like you have to be devoid of empathy to pull something like that off
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
A) A person with real personality disorder/heavy identity crisis.

B ) A self-proclaimed "sociologist" who puts people to social tests, examine their reactions to different types of persons to do the "research" of society. So-called "mad scientists" with low sense of what is morally acceptable. They do it out of curiosity or simply for fun.

C) A dangerous, manipulative person who pretends to be someone else in order to make people trust him or her. He or she would pull personal information from their victims and consequently he/she could blackmail them or harm in another way for personal profit or other reasons.
i don't think anyone goes to the length - those who try do a pretty shit job at it and are often dead giveaways - plus they have their own lives to take care of
Peaceful · F
@SW-User BMC.
Did you use to use the app EP? It’s someone from there. Very popular from there which is funny. It seems they have now used their profile here and changed their gender back to M and have stopped pretending to be a gay woman. @SW-User
@SW-User i see
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
I think its sad and feel a little sorry for them.
@5thApprentice don't get why people can't accept themselves.. I mean they live a real life as well
It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm an adult, people in rl lie through their teeth to your face all the time, expecting a higher moral behaviour online is bordering cringeworthy naivety. Imo.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@SW-User Well said. People can change too. You have absolutely no guarantee that your own kid doesn't hide some great secret.
Well if I found out that one of my friends on here was fake, I would be pretty disappointed. I would probably block them.
@SW-User Well I am sorry to tell you that your friend LadyofLight is one of them. Formely known as Nayomi77. The pic she shows as her occasionally, and the feet pics she posts are all stolen from the web. This user called "her" out initially
@thetrashman I that see you're using multiple accounts to spread false lies about me, eh? I wonder who else on here you've lied about. Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame. I think your username fits you perfectly.
Fishy · 36-40, F
From what I've observed, I think one reason is because they're unhappy with who they are or with the way they look in real life.

So they basically live out their fantasy while online, pretending to be what they want to be... and because they want to know what its like? Or something like that?

I guess to them its also another form of Second Life?


I dunno I'm tired lol
Elessar · 26-30, M
So they basically live out their fantasy while online, pretending to be what they want to be... and because they want to know what its like? Or something like that?
It's most likely this, yet I still fail to understand what they earn from this. It sounds just like a major waste of time to me. People are weird 🤷‍♂️
Kazuya69 · 31-35, M
I agree with Blue,

It would be a good way to protect yourself online,

People could use the net as a way to escape reality, and cope with bad situations. And creating an online persona would allow them to fully emerge in that.

People who like to roleplay do it all the time. Some keep it on dedicated roleplaying sites others do it everywhere.

just a few reasons I could think of
I really wonder what do they get out of it..everything they do or get in return is fake. I strongly believe people who are totally sick in the head do stuff like that. No sane person would ever fall for some shit like that. It's all lie and cheating at the very least.
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
Subaru · 46-50, M
It is strange
Tubbs · F
I hate them
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
It's pretty easy to be a fraud on an anonymous site where you're not required to reveal yourself. That being said it should also be easy to just be yourself.
It gets difficult when you build relationships with people for 2/3 years...and then find out it was all a facade. Hasn’t happened specifically to me but I know someone it did happen to. Must have sucked eggs @SW-User
@SW-User That has to really suck, smh...
Who has time for that. They should all get a friggen job!
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@RemovedUsername342541 So many people use this website while being at work.
@CrazyMusicLover wonder what the employer pays them for then.. .. ...
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@RemovedUsername342541 For coming to work probably xD I've seen so many people hanging on Facebook while waiting for the customers. 🤷 Then, when you are for example a janitor there shouldn't be a problem with it, if nobody is coming at the moment, of course.
Socram · M
I've seen that... I have even seen where they have 2 or 3 different profiles on at the same time.
Now that's weird!
Lack of life goals, no integrity. They are disgrace to human race
They have issues
Those with multiple profiles also have issues and agendas
Definitely! @SW-User
I don't think of them at all..
It’s funny how often people pop in with new accounts and usernames yet blend right in.
What do you mean? @Spoiledbrat

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