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Why are 'drugs' illegal?

Simple question! Apparently it's a personal choice, we are all grown ups with responsibility and accountability for ourselves, so why should they be illegal. Why not just an age gate maybe and some centralised pertinent guidance?

(And you know which I'm taking about)
Hehe...because they're too much fun!
Why go do retail therapy, or get a manicure when you need a pick me up, when you can escape the pressures of life on your couch.
Why pay a Doctor to prescribe you stomach ulcerating, blood pressure raising pharmaceuticals, when a few tokes of mother nature can alleviate pain, tension and stress with minimum side affects?
Heaven forbid that we be given a choice!

Now be a good little puppet and stop asking questions..... might get people thinking - and we cant have that!!!!

@SW-User Damn!... It was meant to be wry irony directed at the generic thinking encouraged by mainstream mediocracy.

I didn't mean to offend you by it...and I intended no personal insult.

But it do agree on the question of choice.
Just because a Doctor prescribes you something, doesn't mean it's good for you.
Conversely, just because something is illegal, doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.

Gaining knowledge, and perspective to be able to choose how we can best live our lives, hopefully in a contributory way.
@BoobooSnafu You're so shiny dude 😎. No worries, absolutely agree. We only see in one direction through a telescope!
Thanks Man!

Although I'd say we only see in one direction - through a rolled up bank note.

It shits me that people blindly believe 'proffesional' opinion. And i use the word opinion deliberately.
Ironically the people employed to help/fix/cope and clean up the negative repurcussions of illicit drugs use...are so ignorant of the diverse impact these drugs actually have, both possitive and negative.

They arent equiped to deal with the problems effectively, and they arent even aware of the lives that actually improve and become productive because of a well Managed, balanced drug intake.

And yet varied doctors and vets can dish out chemical cocktails to one and all.
And worse! People blindly consume the drugs they've been given - without any knowledge to how and what they do.

And therein lies the core of the whole issue - ignorance

OMG!!!!... It's
Friday night and I'm on a rant already!!!

SEE! - If i could just pop down to the corner shop and buy a quarter, I'd be chillin on my deck philosophising to the stars, rather than ranting my opinions to a little white screen.!!!'

Because humans lose sight of the recreational part and end up on the dependence side...
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout education and societal acceptance? It won't happen over night it takes generations for humans to become self governing but it's slowly happening with alcohol.
@SW-User side note..
I can get fined having a cigarette standing on the footpath out front of a government funded’ safe injecting room’ for addicts. A place they can use their illegally bought and possess contraband with impunity..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout 🤷‍♂️ ya know?
I don't know which you're talking about, but here's some info on deaths by mischance in the US.

In 2015, deaths in the U.S. from drug overdose surpassed deaths from gun homicides and motor vehicles combined. Although finalized overdose death data have not yet been released for 2016, estimates indicate that overdose deaths are again set to eclipse total deaths from motor vehicle accidents and gun homicides.
@Mamapolo2016 accepted, why is dying illegal then, given the choice? I would also maybe want to see deaths caused by controlled quality and educated informed use, to compare. The illegality of them bear alot on consumption quality and habits.
In Ireland anyway heroin addicts are prolific stealing from people and goods from stores
@SW-User endless poverty and little hope of change are the cause of lots of issues.
@SW-User becoming a heroin addict makes poor people worse off
missionfigdeluxe · 61-69, M
Overly judgmental right wing and the predecessors to them wanted to control everything and make people miserable.
Mona86 · C
Well drinking, people still get drunk and king hit another person, and alcohol has been controlled but hasn’t stopped from underaged to drink.

Same as drugs, anyways if it was legalised I think maybe many wouldn’t cope with life at all, I think cause it is illegal it is stopping those who overdoes not to overdoes.

Plus many people end up
Mentally ill cause of drugs.
@Mona86 being illegal doesn't stop the overdosing nor the mental health. Research what happened in the USA when prohibition was introduced! Whilst alcohol is still a problem in society its far less than it was under prohibition which lead to the crime gang culture we still see today, but now its drugs!
Mona86 · C
Pharmacist are legal drug dealers basically @SW-User
Lostpoet · M
Because somepeople can't handle it and they ruin it for the rest of us. I lot of drugs were legal in the beginning.
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User Because you really can't control how much and when people us drugs and you don't know how certain people are going to react to certain drugs.
@Lostpoet true, what about alcohol, cigarettes, fumes and pollution from industry and cars, poverty, homelessness, losing your job, sht processed food etc. What do you envisage if a free market with say, a quality control aspect was introduced? For the illegal drugs.
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User I totally get you on that. I don't smoke, and I quit drinking two years ago. (Big mistake.)

But living in utah and working at a factory is way worse on my lungs than cigarettes or a lot of drugs. I'm a vegetarian so I only really only eat fresh foods. There is just isn't any system that I can think of that could make using drugs safe. They way drugs work in general means that affects the use of the drug. People can start out with small amounts but then it gets bigger to have the same affects. We live in a drug culture that is highly regulated though just look in anybodies medicine cabinet. If you want drugs than go to the source: go see your doctor.
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ezhinikaazo · 31-35, M
Control idunno why not
Sarabee · 41-45
To tell you the truth I think we should be like Amsterdam
MethDozer · M
Drug enforcement and prison is big business. That's why. Drug prohibition has been a repeated and proven failure with nothing but destructive results and to cause more problems than the drugs and drug use themselves.
cant wait for Deathrace and the Runningman 👌😁
MethDozer · M
@SW-User It's also political scapegoat gold. The easiest way to make yoursef look concerned with saftey, law, and order is to pointlessly focus on drugs and drug use. It's an easy bust and investigation to up the numbers of crime enforcement while ignoring more serious but harder to prosecute crime.

Police wouldn't need all their military style trucks and toys so those sales would be lost.

THe money around the business of prohibtion is huge and is all over in many layers.
@MethDozer Not to mention, that low end street drugs suppress and eventually eliminate an otherwise expensive problem - the undesirables in society - the poor, the crazy, and other misfits.

It's an easy answer to many unsolved issues in society, and wonderfully redirects blame away from our governments.
Plus...the employment spin offs from it's affects on society is quite expensive.
Not effective, but expensive.

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